From pulpit to politics
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Bad reporting20 Feb 2023 20:05
Why didnt you ask the pertinent questions before writing ?
?21 Feb 2023 08:02
What questions?
Soomest21 Feb 2023 15:08
Kanada eestlased on hea elu peal ikka puhta kommudeks läinud. Oleks siis kandideerinud mingis normaalses parteis, aga sotsid! Kas teie vanemad ei mäleta mida sotsid omal ajal tegid?
Elmer21 Feb 2023 16:18
Soomes maailma kõige suurem heaoluriik ja sina nurised kanadast? Maga kaineks purjus põder.
mis on Kanadaga pistmist22 Feb 2023 05:34
Aga Mart ei ole Kanada eestlane. Ta tuli siia hiljuti Eestist.
e m rootsis06 Mar 2023 23:17
" Aga Mart ei ole Kanada eestlane. Ta tuli siia hiljuti Eestist."

aga seda enam on "Soomest" õigus!
Lumpy21 Feb 2023 17:42
Seda ma korrutan kogu aeg. Uskumatu. Vanavanemad jàtsid kodud maha, et lastele ja lastelastele oleks helge tulevik. Ùlikoolides kaib Kanadas meeletu ajupesu. Professorid korrutasid ùhtepuhku,miks te àra tulite see oli hea ùhiskond...? ENSV. Really?
Lumpy Jr21 Feb 2023 17:58
Juba jälle virised. Sotsid ei ole kommud, ja tänapäeva heaoluriik ei ole NSV. Teie võrdlused on absurdsed. Kui nendes maades Kanada ja soome ei meeldi elada, minge kuskile mujale.
Lumpy21 Feb 2023 18:06
Seda ma korrutan kogu aeg. Uskumatu. Vanavanemad jàtsid kodud maha, et lastele ja lastelastele oleks helge tulevik. Ùlikoolides kaib Kanadas meeletu ajupesu. Professorid korrutasid ùhtepuhku,miks te àra tulite see oli hea ùhiskond...? ENSV. Really?
Peeter Bush22 Feb 2023 10:43
Looks like the pastor has decided that there is no future in Toronto. I wish him well.His chances of elecion are mixed. On the one side he probably has the Creator rooting for him and on the other he is campaigning in one of the least religious countries in Europe. It should be interesting.
.22 Feb 2023 12:18
Perhaps he's heady from his politicking here and he's filled his coffers.
hmmm24 Feb 2023 12:26
" he probably has the Creator rooting for him" ... maybe, maybe not
Tv22 Feb 2023 13:03
Pùhakoja liikmed on tavaliselt ausad.
Poliitikud mitte..
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (18:06)
Koguduse liige06 Mar 2023 10:52
Salumae was never interested in serving the church. He has a temper and an ego. Best he leave right now and go back to Estonia. A new minister would help to save the church. Bye bye.
Challenge07 Mar 2023 10:48
He also has a backbone, which seems threatening to some.
Alfons07 Mar 2023 14:43
From afar, one wonders still why Dean Salumäe chose to run for Riigikogu. He received only 86 votes... so he certainly did not run to add to the Social Democrat total vote count which might allow for an extra parliamentary seat. As some of his local supporters have said when confronted. So why did he run? Nobody knows. This just adds to the mess that is Peetri kirik and kogudus at present. No transparency or accountability. Pity.
...07 Mar 2023 14:53
perhaps he needs an invitation to leave?
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