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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Ends and Means?10 Apr 2024 18:12
Not nice people.

The parents of a U.S. teen shooter were convicted yesterday of involuntary manslaughter, for gifting a gun and ignoring signs of potential violence and mental health deterioration. “A perfect kid”?
...11 Apr 2024 07:56 none of the teachers or administration knew that this 15-year-old had any issues before the day of the shooting?

c'mon man

It does show the CBC for its level of (rather lack of) investigative reporting.

c'mon man
Next Gen Men13 Apr 2024 11:14
Worth a read. “Things that need to be fixed are things that are broken,” I said, then paused to look around the room. Then I said, “You’re not. You’re the best chance of stopping violence before it even happens.”

“After the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, it was observed that the schoolyard shooters don’t need to be profiled—they can’t be. Rather, it’s the schools. Places like Columbine and Virginia Tech, where athletes and sports programs were privileged, and the teachers and administration invariably turned a blind eye to bullying and violence. They are places where school mental health services are missing because of a lack of funding, and where student hierarchies are maintained through relentless harassment.”

“It was not because they were deviants,” Kimmel adds, “but rather because they were ‘over conformists’ to a particular normative construction of masculinity, a construction that defines violence as a legitimate response to perceived humiliation.”

“What we know and don’t know about boys and school shootings” June 2023
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ends and Means? (18:12)
lugeja14 Apr 2024 10:38
lisna19 Apr 2024 12:08
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: lugeja (10:38)
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