Kairi Hemingway resigns as President of the Estonian Central Council in Canada
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Head scratcher26 Apr 2024 18:27
EKN used to have national elections to elect members and their executive. Who the heck elected or selected or self-appointed(??) these people? What happened to the elected EKN members and executive?
EKN27 Apr 2024 12:30
EKN used to be an association. It is now incorporated under Canada NonProfit Corporations Act CNCA and, as such membership policy had to change. New governance structure has been approved by the Board, as per legal advice provided. Process is being followed and new members will be announced soon.
Madam Vaps-a-lot?27 Apr 2024 15:49
That’s one way to avoid answering the question! Why did all of the elected members resign? If the community is no longer involved with making decisions, then who is? Who appointed this group that apparently no longer represents anyone in the Estonian Canadian community?
Silent majority27 Apr 2024 20:03
Suur suur tänu Kairi!! Your efforts through the years have been amazing. The EKN and indeed our community’s best interest will continue to be well served with this amazing roster of volunteers. Hats off to you all and best of luck.
Reality check28 Apr 2024 07:37
Anyone claiming to be the “silent majority” is in reality, a “screeching minority”.
A Real Volunteer28 Apr 2024 09:25
Hats-off to the recently departed president! But EKN members have always been volunteers. In the past they have been elected. This arbitrary group has not been elected by anyone and therefore represent only themselves l, and as such, this group does not represent the Estonian community in Canada.
To ‘volunteer’28 Apr 2024 11:35
You people wouldnt get elected anyway. Just like with every other organization you people tried to infiltrate.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Silent majority (20:03)
Very sad28 Apr 2024 20:11
The contempt you demonstrate for community volunteers is extremely disappointing. It’s very sad that EKN is being twisted into yet another tool of division by this tiny group of haters.
Real community member28 Apr 2024 17:34
Looking at this roster, I am certain EKN’s future is secure. I know each of these folks and each one is honourable, dedicated, and extremely intelligent. Make no mistake, have no doubts, the majority of us are with you! Jõudu tööle!!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Silent majority (20:03), To ‘volunteer’ (11:35)
To real community member04 May 2024 22:08
Who are you? Sign your name! And why should we care about your opinion? When are the elections going to held? Maybe they were too embarrassed as not enough people volunteered- but wait- I heard that they are getting paid now. And who is paying? I can see Reet Marten Sehr lunching her way through Europe. Can we join you on this pleasure cruise, Reet?
Onlooker05 May 2024 10:07
This comment me thinks could be used in an character defamation lawsuit. Too bad the turd who wrote it doesnt have the stones to step up.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Silent majority (20:03), To ‘volunteer’ (11:35), Real community member (17:34)
One Wo/man Silent Majority?06 May 2024 10:29
This is the same weirdo who has posted under multiple pseudonyms and still claims to be the silent majority.
To onlooker05 May 2024 15:33
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