Leader: Engaging work
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous22 Mar 2004 04:20
Nice to see such a trend in Estonia.
Peter23 Mar 2004 05:51
I think that such a trend is disasterous to Estonia, Canada and the entire Western World. When our grandparents lived on farms, families with 10 children were not uncommon and the population grew. Unionized factory workers often had 2 - 4 children and the population stayed the same and even grew somewhat. Now both male and female professionals move from job to job, are constantly upgrading and working long hours. I know because I am one of them. As a result of this trend, population levels are plummeting accross the West since few children are born to such people. This new capitalism belongs in the dustbin of history, just like communism, before it destroys our civilization. The new barbarians are already at our gates.

Anonymous23 Mar 2004 06:14
I almost agreed with you, but I came to the conclusion, that humans are not that stupid and will find a way to stablize birthrates in the western world. No culture wants to die out. Programs are already being put in place in Estonia to encourage families to conceive and there is quite a bit of discussion and concern in Estonia about this subject.

Estonia needed to catch up to the rest of the 'professional' world after the debilitating communist regime foist upon Estonia. People are starting to come around and understand that they need to shift back in the other direction (meaning focusing on family and a healthy lifestyle). It's in human nature to do so.
Peter24 Mar 2004 06:55
I hope that you are right. I am aware that there is much discussion about this subject in Estonia but here in Canada it is still very politically incorrect. When Lucien Bouchard mentioned that the Quebecois were in danger of dying out he was blasted by our extreme left wing media. These nuts have always believed that the 3rd World is superior to the West in every way and if you read the Star they seem to take pleasure in the decline in numbers of this country's European founders and their replacement by "non traditional" immigrants.
A book that you may want to read that addresses this problem is Buchanan's "Death of the West" which was reviewed by Eesti Elu last year.
I have never made a secret of the fact that I have always been a big fan of Konstantin Päts. He had some great ideas when it came to raising the birthrate in Estonia and I hope that the present day politicians there will seriously consider implementing some of these policies that were in effect during his regime.

Anonymous24 Mar 2004 09:48
Would there be a Canadian Estonian community if Canada did not accept "non-traditional" immigrants such as Estonians after the 2nd world war?
While there is a good case to be made for a stable population and appropriate birth rate to match death rate (something that is not yet happening in Estonia), going much beyond that eventually strains the quality of life and the ability of a country or the earth for that matter to sustain itself with limited resources. Birthrate has always been intimately tied in with the education level (particulary of females). This is where 3rd world advancement would make the greatest dent in their excessive birth rate and help stabilize their countries and economies. Advocating for birth rates of about an average of 2-3 children per female and government support for families of that size seems appropriate. Advocating for higher numbers than that is not only socially irresponsible, it is unlikely to be successful in a highly educated society like Estonia (or Canada for that matter).
Anonymous24 Mar 2004 10:28
Thank goodness for the large Esto families in/around Toronto who fill our Esto School, camps, guides/scouts, etc.!!
I wish there were more like them!
Toivo karjama25 Mar 2004 19:54
In profit driven corporate cultures, balance sheets are constantly scrutinized. Cash on hand, accounts receivable, inventory, capital assets are microscopically monitered monthly. Never does one see "human resources" "people" listed as an asset. Without educated,talented,hard working, committed,human resources income statements/balance sheets quickly become fodder for bankruptcy trustees.
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