Estonians ask: who's a fascist?
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.15 Nov 2004 12:30
Leivat raises some extremely interesting issues, without ever budging too far across the line and giving all-out credit for those Estonian soldiers who donned German uniforms for whatever reason they did so. Let's not forget that there was never a moment of love lost between Germany and the Estonians. The Vaterland even refused to publish Mein Kampf in Estonian because Hitler distrusted Estonians to the core. A few wartime cabinet ministers, including Hjalmar Mäe were a little too closely linked with Germany...but mayber someone else with more accurate firsthand knowledge of Mäe's responsibilities can explain that issue with more clarity than I could. And of course, Leivat is completely correct in assuming the corruptibility of the Soviets and their use of the term Fascist when they were such great buddy buddiest themselves with the Germans. Look forward to the next installment with great interest!
the shadow15 Nov 2004 17:39
Your English seems quite good. Do you understand what Leivat is trying to say in the last sentence of the first paragraph? Does he really mean this? It just doesn't make sense, but then again I understand he's a senior Estonian diplomat of some kind and those guys have their own language.
Fowler16 Nov 2004 09:12
Leivat does make sense. You can see that for yourself if you analyse his comments to penetrate their meaning. His language isn't diplomatic. It's convoluted and awkward. (Between Leivat and Maxim, the English language certainly gets an undignified beating here.)
Nördinud16 Nov 2004 15:25
Leivat's way with the English language would be to his own discredit were it not for his diplomatic position where he speaks for Canada's Estonians. Shamefully, he does speak for us. Thankfully, Canadians don't read Eesti Elu. On the other hand, there are (kodumaa) Estonians who read this paper and at least one of them (Väike Manitou), likes to jeer at us. For that purpose, Leivat's English is ammunition. What can be done about this? I suggest that we write, en masse, to the Estonian Government with the request for a directive specifying that, in future, their representative in Canada should reveal his insights in straightforward language, English or Estonian.
Ants16 Nov 2004 18:40
I agree that His Excellency should commence to begin to start speaking English.
strike me blind, Lord!16 Nov 2004 18:51
... the article ends with a threat: (to be continued).
waiting for Godot17 Nov 2004 04:43
I was so disapointed by the comments posted for Laas Leivat's article. The topic is so engaging and the Peanut Gallery can only pay attention to how he speaks (yes, Maxim did stay on topic). What about the subject matter? Do you not have an opinion about this topic? You're like the person who can't get past the newscaster's new hairdo and miss the content of the message.
Fowler17 Nov 2004 05:30
"the shadow's" comment (above) proves that the language of the article is inadequate.
Maksim.17 Nov 2004 05:59
Shadow's got a point about that last sentence in the first paragraph...but for goodness sake; why can't we acknowledge the worthiness of a good article without brow beating at issues which absolutely nothing to do with substance! There is so much boring reading in our Estonian newspapers...and many of this article's critics make the same kind of boring generalisations that must obviouslt reflect their own boring personalities!
Väike Manituu17 Nov 2004 06:58
Kas teile teeb raskusi lause "It was used often to label young Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians fulfilling mandatory service requirements in the Soviet forces during the years of occupation. "

Oli küll päris sageli nii. "Makes sense" igal juhul. Teie seda loomulikult teada ega mõista ei või. Lause on adekvaatne.
English speaker18 Nov 2004 15:08
In the past, you've often jeered at us for our faulty Estonian (with some justification) and, now, you audaciously pronounce judgement on our English. Here, you've stepped beyond your area of expertise. In spite of your assertion to the contrary, Leivat's writing is ambiguous due to its wordiness.

I'll tell you a little secret about style in English (and it's probably true for Estonian as well) -- effective communication is achieved with efficiency. To illustrate this with an example, I'll propose a preferable construction for the disputed sentence that you deem to be adequate. The full meaning of it is captured, unambiguously, with a simpler construction such as: "During the Soviet occupation, it often labelled conscripts from the Baltics".

Yes, we're vulnerable when our language (Estonian or English) is inspected. Yet, I've read some appalling Estonian in the Postimees. Be that as it may, you are obnoxious as you mock our Estonian and outrageously egotistical as you judge our English. Please, %@!#$& off.
English speaker18 Nov 2004 15:21
"%@!#$& off" tähendab -- mine metsa, laku %@!#$& võta %@!#$& suhu, jms Teie lahkeks teadvuseks.
English speaker18 Nov 2004 15:24
Kurat võtaks! Anne mulle juba sõna vabadust!
Anonymous01 Dec 2004 13:32
" was an epithet for conscripts from the Baltics" would be better still because some teenaged readers might be unaware that "fascist" has a pejorative connotation among most.
Väike Manituu17 Nov 2004 07:07
...kuigi ka mina ei saa aru, miks just "emigrating fascists". Lihtsalt - "fascists".
tt17 Nov 2004 07:14
Kui Nõukogude Liit okupeeris poolat peale 17 september, 1939,
vis a vis MRP, program kuidas rahva hävitamine läbi viia oli juba Moskvas ennem valmistatud.
Üks väga hea raamat
"Revolution from Abroad" (Jan T. Gross) näitab selgelt mis seal juhtus, ja meie võime ettekujutada et samuti juhtus ka balti riikides.
Leivat fänn17 Nov 2004 07:33
Laas kirjutab väga inteligentselt, hästi ja artikkel on haarav ja selles on tõde!
Mis te norite?
Mina olen küll äärmiselt tänulik et Laas Leivat on meie Au Peakonsul! Selliseid endast andvaid, rahvuslasi leidub vähe!

teine Leivati fänn17 Nov 2004 12:15
Leivati jutt vastab tõele. Siiski tema käes pastak on nagu kaigas millega ta peksab meie ilusa inlgiskeele inetuks.
Leivat fänn17 Nov 2004 13:45
"meie ilusa ingliskeele"???
Give me a break!!
Yo dude! Wacha talkin'bout?
Kargu Karla17 Nov 2004 18:34
Täädsa, Laas, mes ma ole möteld. Sa väta öite anesulg käde ja kirjuta iiu keeles, siss ei saa nad keski midagist aru ja oo vait kut oinakotid. Moo meelest oled sa küll üks öige mees konsuliks, mis sest, et iidlane. Verskele lumele jätad alati isase eestlase jeljed.
Anonymous17 Nov 2004 18:42
With constituents like the above supporting him, he may well be on his way to asylum in a comparably calm and sane place, Iraq perhaps.
Peeter Bush18 Nov 2004 17:29
Paistab umbes samma kui minu kirjad suguastele saaremaale ja ka mandrile. Esiteks utlesin mendele et kirjatage pikkalikult sest mina loen eesti keelt pikkalikult.:)
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