Leader: Toward a new containment
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
tt24 Mar 2005 13:35
The only reason that Nazi regime could be considered a greater evil than the Soviet regime .... unlike the Nazis, the rock that was the Soviet system was not overturned by the allies in 1945 and its monstorous crimes were not exposed in the western media. The Soviets/Russians need to remember that murdering over 40 million people and, deporting unknown millions to slave labour camps does not make you an acceptable citizen in the world community. Neighbouring countries all call Russia (Soviet Union) the graveyard of its peoples. Until Russia's leadership quits denying its horrendous past ..... its government and citizens an will continue to be forced to live a lie, which means no trust can be created with any of its neighbours.
Ju-Ra24 Mar 2005 13:37
Excellent article.
Maksim.28 Mar 2005 10:32
Naelapea is certainly writing well these days! However, it would be foolish to underestimate the global force behind the Masonic Movement, which has lodges in absolutely every country in the world. It took a little getting used to...but there was a hive of activity even in the Lodges within the USSR. There were certainly individuals such as Armand Hammer who were given pretty free access in travelling within the USSR, and no doubt he was a sympathiser for their cause. Kennan was almost certainly a Freemason, and therefore a very powerful figure in the post-war political world. This explains to a large extent his personal power and influence in countries where it was well-nigh impossible to get anything done at all. Somehow he managed...wonder how.....???!!!!
Maksim's back again!28 Mar 2005 15:39
So, Naelapea is writing well these these days is he? Good to know and, no doubt, Naelapea appreciates some reassurance from someone uneducated and incoherent.

Be that as it may, the naive Naelapea (like the rest of us) has been fooled into believing that Kennan achieved his respect-worthy stature with education and accomplishment in diplomatic service.

Maksim knows better. He knows that the Freemasons rule the world via a secret conspiracy known only to a few seers and mountebanks like himself. We'd appreciate the message, Maksim, but we're perplexed by a competing message from Peter, a neo-Nazi, who believes that the world is run by the Elders of Zion.

It would be nice if you two could be locked into a room to sort this matter out and, nicer still, if we could throw away the key.

Estonians, at home and abroad, are decent people and you two are an embarrassment to the rest of us.
Maksim.29 Mar 2005 08:10
Thanks for the advice. Why don't you just stick to making an opinion, and not get so personal about everything! It'll be so much more obvious to the readers who of us is more likely to be the biased one, particularly if you continue to take aim at anyone whose opinion differs slightly from your own. And if you're a Freemason yourself, why are you so embarrased about it? Something must be bugging you intensely to get so emotional about the subject of Freemasons. And for your information, I accept and understand that the world operates via the exclusive clubs and networks of the world....I couldn't imagine a recluse making a big hit of himself in this world. I am simply saying that ideas are formed and cristallized via specific international forums...and one of the most powerful is the Masonic organisation. I don't have a problem with that...it's just a fact of life. But for some strange reason you jump everytime someone makes mention of them...yep..the freemasons, that is. And as for Peter Bush, from all that I have read of him...he at least offers some depth and substance in his comments, not to mention the fact that he is much more in tune and actively doing positive things for Estonians these days. Your negative comments are read and taken for what they are....and I don't have to spell that out for you.
Anonymous29 Mar 2005 08:17
Your proposal is reasonable. Although I believe that "Siil" should join them. Even though he doesn't have much to say, "Siil" likes to throw crude epithets at anyone he disagrees with.
In spite of the few kooks among us, Estonians are respected by all who know us and we have every right to be proud of ourselves.
Wrong Peter29 Mar 2005 11:03
Maksim, old trout, you are in error in assuming that your critic is referring to Peter Bush. He at least has the courage to sign his full name to articles and comments on the web site, while the Peter in question is another individual who seems to enjoy the cloak of seeming anonymity. But the Mossad has already discerned his identity, we'll sell his identity to you for a few shekels....
Maksim.29 Mar 2005 11:54
Well it's really nice to know my old friends are back to welcome me in typical Estonian style. It's interesting to note that since I have been living in Estonia, I have never been personally so rudely addressed as I have from a few so-called "decent" Estonians who frequent this site. Fortunately there is no love lost between us, and no doubt you are basking in too many of your own personal problems to warrant any sort of respectable reply to your rudeness. I don't think I'm the only person who gets a hard time from creeps like you, and knowing your kind, I don't think you're of much help to your local Estonian community either-your sarcastic demeanour would have sparked opposition and rooted you out of the clubhouse in an instant! Interesting how quickly you waited to pounce on me at the first opporutnity of my returning here. However, whether you like it or not, I'm gonna keep coming back -and make you lose sleep over it! You're probably getting itchy fingers already just waiting to reply to this kommentaar. Some people can't help but wallow in their ability to live life as scumbags.
to Maksim, the self-important29 Mar 2005 12:45
You have confused Peter, the neo-Nazi, with Peeter (not Peter) Bush, the occasional contributor to Eesti Elu.
There is a huge difference between the two and I suspect that neither would like to be taken for the other.
Peter29 Mar 2005 21:09
I am not even going to bother arguing with this Stalinist nut who takes so much pleasure in slandering me here. What can I possibly say to a commie who thinks that it is OK to imprison people for having dissenting political opinions?
To Maksim: Freemasonry is an interesting subject. I just finished reading Maailma Uus Kord which covered this secret society in detail. Years ago I also read The Brotherhood but I am not 100% convinced that the masonic conspiricy is as powerful as these authors believe. While it is a fact that freemasons have been a subversive influence I think that they are just a bunch of wealthy do-gooders infected with the brain disease called liberalism. They are probably more of a symptom of our cizilization's decline than a major cause of it.

Maksim.30 Mar 2005 12:40
This is a good point....and I certainly stand corrected....thank you for your amicable approach in responding to my comment; I only wish to add that many of our political decisions are not made purely on the face of what goes on within these institutions...the influence come from a series of sources, including powerful Political think tanks, corporate interests and organisations which; because of the sensitive nature of how they handle and disseminate information, are both overtly and covertly secretive. To deny this is simply to admit to an incredible state of naivety! However, the both preference and the sheer necessity of maintatinig secrecy causes many people to simply discard and discredit the influence of these organisations. In effect, this actually harnesses their power, rather than achieving the opposite..proving it was nothing but a straw-man effect in the first place.
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