Russia must apologize
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.01 Apr 2005 14:22
I don't think Russia will ever apologise, nor should she feel the need to do so. Why? Because from all that I have read, following the carve-up of Europe, international diplomacy couched itself in language that assured each newfound Empire ( including the USSR) would find sufficient protection for itself. The West agreed to this in full knowledge of whatever happened in Russia and neigbouring regions, and therefore, technically speaking, the West had given Russia a green light of acceptance...there is no use turning history around; the damage was done a long time ago, amid widespread agreement.
Anonymous04 Apr 2005 08:23
Just because the "west" tacitly agreed (or at least agreed to privately look the other way) to Russian agression and crimes against humanity does not make it right.
Yes, Russian needs to apologize. Not just to Eastern Europe but also to its own people. The sooner it can come to grips with the reality of its past, the sooner it can seriously address its currrent issues and problems. Do I think this will happen in the near future....Unfortunately not. Particularly if the rest of the world still does not really care.
Maxim.04 Apr 2005 12:25
...True, but the fact that the West agreed tacitly IN WRITING, makes the ink on that agreement hold a lot more water than the vague hope that something might happen within Russia. If anything, Russia is becoming even more aggressive these days....just take a look at the latest effort to outlaw all Jewish groups operating within Russia. Without the goodwill that has made Russia bankrupt, this same state of bankruptcy is being used as a wedge to ply further concessions from the West. And so the circle remains endless...
Anonymous18 Apr 2005 19:11
..."ply further concessions"? Perhaps, you wish to say "pry". With regard to circles, there is no need to tell us that they are endless because that is in the meaning of the word.
Instead of lecturing us as a know-it-all, you should improve your English and study logic.
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