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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Adu29 Apr 2005 21:48
Very Interesting, balanced analyses of tragic events.
Peep30 Apr 2005 07:05
I can't believe that someone of Estonian heritage would make a statement "....it has become evident that the Soviets were even worse than the Nazis in their inhumanity." Does this mean you didn't believe other Estonians for the past 60 years ? It took the soviet archives to make you a believer ? It appears you trust the Russians more than Estonians. Unbelievable . You also seem to enjoy bashing the Americans .
to Peep30 Apr 2005 10:53
It seems that you've either misunderstood Peeter Bush, that I've misunderstood you or, perhaps, both. What exactly are you trying to say?
Peter03 May 2005 08:02
Great article Peeter! Maybe if more people realized that both sides who fought in the Second World War were guilty of war crimes, including the Americans and their dear ally, "Uncle Joe" then they would understand why we Estonians fought on the German side.

to Peter04 May 2005 08:46
Are you suggestinf that there is a moral equivalence between between American and Soviet forces? And that Estonians fought with the Germans because they were morally superior?
Anonymous04 May 2005 10:27
Most of the Estonians that fought with Soviet or German forces were conscipts with no choice to express any preference whatsoever.

Why do you keep chewing that cud?
Peter08 May 2005 03:30
All of the Estonian soldiers who fought in the Soviet army were conscripts. Some of the Estonians in the German army were also conscripts but those who served in the Eesti Leegion were volunteers as well as the Soomepoisid who went back to Estonia from Finland and placed themselves under German command even though the war was clearly lost and all they could do was to gain some time for those people who fled the advancing red terror to escape to Finland and Sweden.

to Peter09 May 2005 10:06
There is little, if anything, in human history that is completely black or white. In this respect you should know that not all Estonians who fought in the Soviet army were conscripted. Inexplicably and shamefully, there were (and indeed, still are) some Estonians who admired Stalin and willingly fought for his cause. Arnold Meri is one of them. Among Estonians who fought under German command, few admired Hitler nor did they go into battle sacraficially to enable others to escape.That was purely accidental. Instead, they fought with a fervent hope and wishful expectation that Estonia could somehow emerge from the war with its independence. To your great discredit, you are the only one that I've ever encountered that admires Hitler, although I will not doubt that there are a few others.
Peter10 May 2005 04:06
There may have been a few ideological communists and career soldiers who joined the Soviet army but they were mostly "jeestlased" from some of the Estonian-speaking areas in Siberia and Crimea who tried to pass themselves off as Estonians but who had never set foot in the country before.
I always consider your insults to be a compliment as I must be doing something right if I make people who have been brainwashed into believing the politically correct version of history angry.

Anonymous11 May 2005 14:19
Who composed the lists of Estonians to be arrested and deported? A "jeestlane" from far away Crimea or Siberia? Not likely. Meri and Lauristin are better bets.
Peter12 May 2005 05:09
I thought we were talking about soldiers. Of course there were traitors who sold out their country to the enemy. Some did it for personal gain, some for ideology and others for revenge, just as there are now Estonians who have sold out their country to the EU, some for the massive salaries of the Belgian based bureaucrats, others to make fortunes in real estate speculation as prices climb out of reach for most of their fellow citizens.

Thank you, Peeter Bush04 May 2005 18:51
Once again you have done some research and illuminated something not widely known, yet significant.

I'm very sorry to see that you have become a magnet for some troubled souls in our community, yet relieved that you appear to have enough hard bark on you to disregard their attacks. Most of these seem to be composed by young, uneducated people and, therefore, if you wrote in Estonian you'd probably be beyond their reach. Initially, this would be difficult and require some assistance from an editor. With time, however, your demonstrated ability to unravel a story logically and clearly would be carried over to Estonian.
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