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13 questions for Airi Ojamets - Lissabon
31 Jan 2005 EWR Online
Estonians from all over the world –
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be it in their motherland or abroad – are keen Eurovision watchers every year. The last years have not given too much reason to cheer, because for two years the Estonian performances at the Eurovision Songcontest have not left a mark. Maybe some of the «guilt» lies in the song choosers – it seems that often they do not get the idea of Eurovison and are not able to set aside their personal emotions and musical taste. Last year we made an interview with Maria Rahula, who was our eurofavorite with her song «Surrounded». Our favorite this year is Airi Ojamets with her song «Dream In A Dream» (Listen to song).

Airi Ojamets (28) is a native Tallinn girl and has been interested in music since kindergarten – she studied in a music-class and sang in a choir. She became more known in Estonia with a group Los Desperados. She is also known in the Estonian Eurosong circles, singing also in this year’s final. Airi’s latin-sounding song was written by Ivar Männik, the lyrics are by Mario Kivistik.

1.You have been participating in the Estonian Eurosongs many years now. What does that mean to You as a musician?

It gives me a chance to introduce my voice and my face more widely.

2.Estonia did badly last year on the Eurovision Songcontest. What was the reason behind that in Your opinion?

Although Neikõsõ (the group who represented Estonia last year) was also my personal favorite I just cannot comment why they did not make it to the final.

3.Your last year’s song was quite good, although maybe not quite Your style and also Your stylist made some terrible choices for You?

Hmm, well the reason could have been that I was not so known last year and they just did not know what suites me and what does not.

4.Do You think You could win the Estonian Eurosong this time and is it important to You?

It depends on how the people vote. The most important for me is to give my best. And although one should go there feeling victorious, I consider I have already won something by being in the final 10.

5.Who should choose the Estonian eurosong - the people or the international jury – like it was for some years? Or maybe someone completely different?

I think it should be someone who has musical hearing and taste...

6.In the internetforums last year the big favorite was Maria Rahula, although she did not win after all. This time it is You who gets the most votes there – although the Eurovision mania has not yet started with full steam. What are Your chances in Your opinion?

All of the ten songs have their positive and negative sides, but I do hope that my song will be among the first ones. It is after all very alive and full of tempo!

7.Can You tell us the story of «Dream In A Dream»?

This story is better known to the authors of course!
A comment by Ivar Männik: Being on a worktrip in a beautiful city of Párnu in the summer of 2004 and visiting the clubs there – seeing the people dancing, this summery and joyful tune just suddenly came to me. So came the idea of this project full of summery dancetunes.

8.A little bit about You. When did You notice that singing is that what You really want to do?

Ah, that interest and wish was in me already in the kindergarten! And I realised my childhood dream!

9.In Estonia Your fame begun with the group Los Desperados. Is countrymusic Your first love?

Well, yes, the American country-rock-blues is what I like. But also these more rhythmic songs like «Dream In A Dream».

10.How does one Estonian musician motivate oneself to go on, considering that the Estonian musicmarket is so small?

I think that when a person can make a living while doing what they really like, then they just do not need additonal motivation.

11.What are Your hobbies besides music?

Besides music I am raising my kids. I have two sons – Oliver (8) and Silver (3). I also have a persian cat Jimmy and a rabbit Jánnifer.

12.This question is for You to ask Yourself and also answer Yourself!

What are the most important things in Your life? The most important things in my life are the ones I have dreamt about since I was little – my family and music!

13.Have You ever visited Portugal? What would You like to say to the Estonians living in Portugal and elsewhere abroad – after all they are also cheering for Estonia during the Eurovision Songcontest?

Well, I haven’t been to Portugal yet. But I wish happiness and joy to everybody! It is so heartwarming to see that people who live so far away from their motherland are still curious what goes on in our dear Estonia and are with us in their hearts!
Best wishes,
Airi Ojamets