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3 Orgs Application for 9 Madison
20 Apr 2018 EWR Online
 - pics/2018/04/51536_001.jpg
At the end of March "3 Orgs", The Estonian Credit Union, Estonian Foundation of Canada and Tartu College, submitted a joint application for Site Plan Approval regarding 9 and 11 Madison. Although the due diligence process, final budgets and financing for the development are not yet secured, the intent to purchase 9 Madison continues to proceed. The cover letter submitted by Bousfields demonstrates the commitment of the "3 Orgs", also referred to as The Estonian Group, by clarifying that: "The property at 11 Madison Avenue was purchased by the Estonian Credit Union, with the intent of assembling the two properties." That purpose seemed modified from the 2014 declaration where ETCU members were told: "The primary reason for acquiring this property is part of the Credit Union’s risk management to secure facilities for continuity of service and operations for its members in preparation for the anticipated re-development of the Estonian House, which is the location of our current operations." (link )

This application submission is full of information regarding the development of the space, operations and the intent to compliment adjacent condo developments and neighbouring community. It is much more complete than the submission provided to the City Planning Department in regard to 954-958 Broadview and 72 Chester Hill. That application remains incomplete as of this publication.

Below EWR is providing links to documents for the 9 and 11 Madison application.

Cover Letter
Architectural Plans
Arborist-Tree Preservation Report
Survey Plans
Vibration Study
Heritage Impact Statement
Toronto Green Standards Checklist
Stormwater Management Report
Developmental Approval Application
Accessibility Letter
Servicing Report
Project Data Sheet
Noise Impact Study
Landscape and Lighting Plans
Energy Efficiency Report
Civil and Utilities Plans