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3rd Baltic Film Festival Ottawa
14 Jan 2003 EE
THE LEASE (2001)
A woman in her forties, having undergone the catastrophe of her private life, tries to find her own place in life, resisting the hard pressure of unfavorable circumstances. We are watching the period of her life that can be called The Living on the Bound. It is a kind of a mirror reflecting the post-soviet society life. Outward freedom does not necessarily bring inner freedom.
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Director/scriptwriter Kristijonas Vildþiûnas
Producer Uljana Kim
Co-producer Sharunas Bartas
Director of photography Vladas Naudþius
Cast: Larisa Kalpokaitë, Dalia Michelevièiûtë, Tomas Tamoðaitis, Laisvunas Raudonis, Asta Baukutë,Egle Mikulionytë.

A small Estonian town trapped in time. A stranger – a beautiful Latvian woman – arrives. Her hands are both, delicate and skilful – a thief’s hands. While seemingly causing only trouble, she also becomes the hope for many men. She seduces a local policeman and ends up taking care of a genius boy.
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A comic story about a thief- girl who almost becomes a decent married woman and a mother to a little boy.

Director: Peeter Simm
Script: Toomas Raudam, Peeter Simm
Producers: Artur Talvik, Allfilm, EstoniaGatis Upmalis, F.O.R.M.A., Latvia
Director of Photography: Uldis Jancis
Cast: Rezija Kalnina; Tiit Sukk; Lembit Ulfsak; Tonu Kark
Technical data: 90 minutes, 35mm, colour.

The film "The Heart of The Bear" is based on the best-selling Estonian novel by Nikolai Baturin. Critics have considered it to be one of the most original books in the latest Estonian literature.
It's the quest for human identity in Siberia. A young European Nika goes to Siberia to live as hunter. Different women love him and he has to choose. But not just between the women. What does he really want? What kind of man he likes to be?
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Everybody and everything in Siberia has spirit. This world full of mythological beliefs makes Nika's choices responsible for others destiny. Our hero passes through a mystical love with bear-woman. He is ready to forget the village and people, but he is just a man… You can't deny your nature.
The film was nominated to the European Film Award for Best Cinematography.
Director Arvo Iho
Scriptwriter Rustam Ibragimbekov
Producer Mati Sepping
Technical data: 120 minutes, 35mm
