65th Anniversary & 90 Day RRSP EST; ENG
Eestlased Kanadas | 06 Feb 2019  | EWR
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65th Anniversary & 90 Day RRSP
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90 Day RRSP, February 11th Celebration & more!
On Monday, February 11th we will be celebrating the 65th Anniversary of our doors opening.

Visit us in branch throughout the day for cake, kringel and prize giveaways! We will also have a display of historic photos and staff members ready to answer any questions you may have. Keep your eyes peeled for online giveaways also.

To celebrate our senior members and thank them for their loyalty, we will also be serving cake at Ehatare at 2:00 pm on February 11th.

We look forward to seeing you on February 11th and celebrating together!

Read more here
Learn more about RRSPs - Read our blog post RRSP Facts - Q&A with an Investment Specialist
Upcoming Events

Celebrating 70 Years of Kungla - Saturday, February 9th, 2019. Enjoy performances by dancers of all ages, as well as a cash bar and dinner. Tickets available for purchase in branch! Read more here. Proceeds go to support Kungla's trip to Tantsupidu.

February 11th, 2019 - Celebration of ECU's official 65th Anniversary of branch opening. Join us in branch for cake, and giveaways throughout the day! Read more here.

Family Day - Our branch will be closed from February 16-18th for Family Day.

Esto 2019 - taking place from June 27th to July 3rd in Helsinki, Tartu and Tallinn. Esto 2019 tickets can be purchased in branch. Learn more here.

As of Feb 6. 2019

Premium Savings: 1.30%

Variable: 1.30%
1 year: 2.50%
2 year: 2.70%
3 year: 2.75%
4 year: 2.85%
5 year: 3.10%

1 year: 2.50%
2 year: 2.70%
3 year: 2.75%
4 year: 2.28%
5 year: 3.10%

Rates subject to change without notice.
Questions? Contact us in branch today!
(416) 465-4659
TF: 1-866-844-3828
Tule meiega koos tähistama…

… panga uste avamise 65.aastapäeva esmaspäeval, 11.veebruaril.

Tule meie kontorisse, kus pakume torti ja kringlit ja jagame kingitusi. Oleme kokku pannud fotogalerii möödunud aegadest ning meie töötajad on valmis vastama küsimustele panga kohta. Jälgige ka meie sotsiaalmeedia lehekülgi, mille kaudu on võimalus kinke saada.

Me ei unusta ära meie vanemaid liikmeid, ilma kelleta meie ühist panka ei oleks. Külastame ka Ehatare 11.veebruaril, kell 14.00. Pakume sealgi sünnipäevakooki.

Ootame kõiki 11.veebruaril külla, et koos seda tähtpäeva tähistada.
Loe täpsemalt siin
Loe RRSP’ide kohta siit. Loe ka meie blogipostitust samal teemal.

70.aastat Kunglat – laupäeval, 9.veebruaril 2019. Tule ja tunne rõõmu eri vanuses tantsijate esinemisest. Pakutakse õhtusööki ja avatud on tasuline baar. Pileteid on võimalik osta meie kontorist. Täpsem info siin. Kogu tulu läheb tantsupeo reisi toetuseks.

11.veebruaril 2019 – Toronto Eesti Ühispanga pidulik uste avamise 65.aastapäeva tähistamine. Tulge kohale pidutorti ja kingitusi saama. Siin on täpsem info.

Perepäev – meie kontor on suletud 16 – 18. veebruaril

ESTO 2019 – 27.juuni kuni 3.juuli – Helsingi, Tartu ja Tallinn. Esto passid müügil meie kontoris.
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Eestlased Kanadas

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