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9 Madison's Minor Variance - Registered Letter of Objection
05 Feb 2019 EWR Online
 - pics/2018/03/51408_001_t.jpg
A letter of objection (dated February 4, 2019) in response to the recent minor variance submission for 9 Madison was posted to the City's information portal. The objection, authored by Vaino Einola, (see attached) makes multiple references to a memorandum from the City's Manager for Development Engineering (Engineering and Construction Services), Avi Bachar. (see attached)

Parking is again a major point of concern. The additional traffic which will populate Madison Ave during regular business operations (i.e. bank clients, school, scouts and guides, choir and dance practices, etc) as well as a regular flow of special event and conference attendees trying to find parking is not being addressed by the proposed application.

According to the City's own departmental conclusion: "It appears that zero parking space is proposed for the subject site and it does not comply with the by-law requirement. This is not acceptable."

EWR will post more information as it becomes available.