Impunity emboldens Moscow
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tt21 May 2005 13:21
This should be published in 'The
Economist' as it provides all western politicians with an excellent synopsis on the Russian mindset. Comrade Putin conveniently continues to forget the atrocities of his bolshevik brethren, and their many broken treaties with smaller nations, but now we know they don't count. .
putin21 May 2005 18:11
should have flunked his history course, because he failed to remember that the on november 13, 1918, the soviets annuled the treaty of brest-litovsk, marched on the baltic countries, were beaten back and had to conclude separate peace treaties with estonia, lithuania and latvia... treaties which were broken with the soviet execution of the mrp agreement
joonas24 May 2005 13:10
K...di hea lähtekoht. On raske panna Vene süüdistajad kotti ilma suurvõimude abita. Arvatavasti isegi siis mitte. Peab lihtsalt neid pidevalt tule all hoidma.
joonas24 May 2005 13:12
K...di hea lähtekoht. On raske panna Vene süüdistajad kotti ilma suurvõimude abita. Arvatavasti isegi siis mitte. Peab lihtsalt neid pidevalt tule all hoidma.
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