Democracy 101: the referendum
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.12 Jun 2005 12:42
Tõnu, what the hell are you getting at?? The NO vote provides a big enough picture to draw a pretty accurate picture why they don't want the Constitution in its present form. Quit dancing round the maypole and deliver the fact-I for one am just as interested as anyone else why the hell this conundrum of a Constitution should be put in place. When I get that answer clearly and succinctly, I'll decide which way my Estonian vote will go. So far, we Estonians are being told it's YES OR ELSE. Don't threaten us anymore-come out with the cold hard facts that are plainly missing even in your article!!
Anonymous13 Jun 2005 11:37
Why are you always so angry?
XXX13 Jun 2005 11:44
You'd also be angry if you thought that you're smart, informed and important when the rest of the world thinks the opposite.
Maxim.13 Jun 2005 12:48
That's nice-you agree to let the citizens of the world have their say, and that's defined as being a smart-ass! The gulags went out in Stalin's time-too late for crocodile tears now. And as for the previous commentator-if there isn't anything in this world that makes you angry, then you've been politically duped once too often, methinks. So keep on agreeing with everything that comes your way. The popular retort of "don't be part of the problem-be part of the solution" seems to have well and truly washed over you and caused you to drift any way whatever- out in the sea of ideas.
Anonymous13 Jun 2005 13:57
Can anyone translate this into English?
Maxim.13 Jun 2005 14:02
OK-let's be positive-and go much much further in this discussion than Naelapea had dreamt to take it. Assuming that you've heard much more about the European Union's constitution (which, I take it you have, since you are so calm and collected about everything...) what exactly are the pro's and cons that have resulted in the election outcomes thus far, and do you think the Estonian government has done all it can to enlighten its voters in a way that will help them vote either yes or no?
illuminati14 Jun 2005 07:56
each european governemnt is looking at how they can avoid a referendum so that they can quickly ratify the constitution in their government chambers, where members are committed to selling out national interests to the money lenders for their personal gain ...... if i am incorrect, please provide one example
Maxim.15 Jun 2005 11:28
Thanks illuminati for your perceptive response. Anonymous will leave me waiting till Christmas at this rate, but as I suspect, he/she doesn't have a clue how to respond! I understand that the two most important reasons for not agreeing with the Constitution in its present form is that it threatens to further unravel the present quality of life achieved through much hard work, as financial and political resources will be thrown to all and sundry in the coming years, dragging the standard of living back by a good 10-20 years at least. If this is the case, I would be voting NO as well. Does anyone else have firsthand info about why the YES vote should be supported?
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