Scarborough Conservatives rally for Harper
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Anonymous27 Jan 2006 14:52
This relic from the dregs of Mulroney's cabinet took a heavy loss on tuesday, proving that she and her friends are indeed out-of-touch with mainstream Canadian issues and values.

to mudpie27 Jan 2006 20:57
hmmm.... there seems to be a lot more people in the rest of canada that think that you are out of touch
Anonymous29 Jan 2006 06:34
According to the popular vote, it would seem that the majority of Albertans thought that the rest of Canada was out of touch with its values. It doesn't help Ontario, much less Scarborough, if Ms, Browse identifies with the concerns of some illiterate, homophobic, cowpoke savant in Lethbridge.
Regardless, she lost - and by a wide margin. If she was clued-in, she'd be going to Ottawa: but she's not. McKay didn't win 'by chance'
to29 Jan 2006 14:34
in the rest of canada, people do not appear to be merely one-trick issue paranoids
Anonymous29 Jan 2006 15:02
Right. Good observation.
The other two parties ran on mentally unstable platforms of substance and strong records. All Ms. Browes, Rondo Thomas and the rest of Harper's 'fear of a gay planet' crew could come up with was fear, fear and more fear.
When it comes to governing Canada, as 'ol Rondo pointed out, "the facts don't matter."
to29 Jan 2006 15:26
we have different opinions on ' platforms of substance and strong records' ... to me a leader that avoids paying tax in his own country, represents a party that steals money from taxpayers for its own purposes, does nothing to reduce criminal activity in urban centers, ignores its military, does nothing to solve any health or urban issues (it had 12 years), and has as its sole platform fear mongering via 'what if' .... does not get my vote, nor the vote of most canadians
Anonymous31 Jan 2006 09:22
Harper and the cpc know it, perhaps you should as well: The federal government is allowed little input over issues that fall into municipal and provincial jurisdiction. It can encourage but not directly affect. The feds can establish say . . . hospital wait times, as was done 12 months ago, but cannot enforce the provinces to implement them.
As to 'Canada' voting for the cpc - I'm not sure that Alberta reflects the opinons and values of the entire country. That's where the largest percentage of the pop vote for the cpc came from. Check your facts and come back later.

Either way, it doesn't change the fact that Pauline Browse is so out-of-touch that she lost her own ward. She should stick to her pet projects and leave running the country to those with real ideas and visions.
Peter05 Feb 2006 05:27
It is very scary to read that decadence, corruption and perversion have become Canadian "values". I am proud to have voted for Harper!

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