Arbeit macht frei - (II)
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim19 May 2006 09:24
If one takes a look to see whether there is even a cornerstone agreement between Russia and the Baltics insofar as the latter broke away from the yolk of Soviet domination, then one will quickly discover that no formal treaty even exists with which to rebuff any of Russia's criticism aimed at justifying our Independence. And this is a very worrying piece of news indeed! Our independence may very well be cheered on by the likes of the USA and Iceland etc, but if Russia does not join in that same chorus, then in the long run we are just kidding ourselves. And whether the EU will eventually stand up to Russia's continuing demands is something that is very questionable indeed in the corridors of Estonian political bodies. I would, however, be more than glad to be proven wrong-and very wrong at that-but since our independence is based on very flimsy pretexts, I would be careful to boast too loudly about how safe we are from Russia.
What a mess!19 May 2006 12:31
If one takes a look to see whether there is "even a cornerstone" agreement [what do you mean?] between Russia and the Baltics [there isn't any agreement] insofar as the latter broke away from the yolk of Soviet domination [does not follow], then one will quickly discover that no formal treaty even exists [in other words, if no treaty exists, then no treaty exists; but, we already know that] with which to rebuff any of Russia's criticism aimed at justifying our Independence. And this is a very worrying piece of news indeed! [why must Russia certify out undependence?]. Our independence may very well be cheered on by the likes of the USA and Iceland etc, but if Russia does not join in that same chorus, then in the long run we are just kidding ourselves [in what way and about what?]. And whether the EU will eventually stand up to Russia's continuing demands [be specific] is something that is very questionable indeed [in whose minds?] in the corridors of Estonian political bodies [what are you talking about?]. I would, however, be more than glad to be proven wrong-and very wrong at that [wrong is categorical, not scalar] -but since our independence is based on very flimsy pretexts [specify what they are], I would be careful to boast too loudly [who is boasting?] about how safe we are from Russia.

Maxim; you are maniacally inarticulate and megalomanical; that means stupid and insane.
Maxim19 May 2006 13:49
Apart from showing practically no knowledge of Estonian politics, I will take one simple example-Tartu Rahuleping. So far it is the only remaining watertight treaty Estonia has, or at least had, till the present administration decided to compromise it in the preamble of the border treaty with Russia. This now means that we have thrown away our cornerstone, and effectively we are not a state whose existence follows on the heels of the Tartu Peace Treaty, but on the ashes of a collapsed Soviet state. However, Putin is more than keen (and, I might add, utterly confident in his plans) to re-establish the near-abroad in favour of Russian interests, of which the freer movement of Russian citizens within the EU will mean greater influence still in these European outposts. I don't think any of this is so hard to comprehend-it's a matter of making yourself more familiar with Estonian politics, and then you might suddenly find you no longer have the need to ask any more questions. Better luck next time.
Anonymous19 May 2006 15:13
"...I will take one simple example-Tartu Rahuleping. So far it is the only remaining watertight treaty Estonia has, [name the others and tell us what makes them 'watertight'] or at least had, till the present administration decided to compromise it [did they really?] in the preamble of the border treaty with Russia [how?]. This now means that we have thrown away our cornerstone [how?], and effectively we are not a state whose existence follows on the heels of the Tartu Peace Treaty [Estonian diplomats would deny that vociferously], but on the ashes of a collapsed Soviet state [what do you mean by that?]. However, Putin is more than keen (and, I might add, utterly confident in his plans) to re-establish the near-abroad in favour of Russian interests [which are?], of which [?] the freer movement of Russian citizens within the EU will mean greater influence still in these European outposts [be specific]. I don't think any of this is so hard to comprehend [but everyone else might] -it's a matter of making yourself more familiar with Estonian politics [or, more likely, your hopeless English], and then you might suddenly find you no longer have the need to ask any more questions [from Maxim, the semi-literate, self-proclaimed omniscient]..."
Maxim19 May 2006 23:01
Anonymous-there doesn't seem to be much improvement in your knowledge of Estonian history since you wrote the previous posting. Try again-it might help.
hey maxim19 May 2006 19:48
Have you taken a lot of drugs? How else can you wright so funny?
Seems to me that youve smoked too much and turned some of your brains to snot and lost them though your nose.
Its about time you straighten up and fly right.
hey Maxim23 May 2006 12:23
You really cant speak English or Estonian, or anything else probably. But you keep butting in here as if you were the Editor in Cheif in charge because your the only one that knows anything and were all here holding our breath waiting for you to set us straight. Use your time usefully Maxim.
Maxim23 May 2006 12:31
Your comments clearly reflect a noticeable inferiority complex-you try very hard to keep everyone at arm's length and making damn sure they are put down far enough by you not to come back here to care and share information. We know your kind; unpleasant as they are-but I'm pleased to say that there is always the opportunity to rise above your put-down attitude and come up with something constructive. I invite readers to ignore negative comments and to offer something positive themselves.
Maxim25 May 2006 13:58
Russia won a fairly easily-fought battle today in a European context. Her citizensa are only one small step away from all restrictions on travelling within the EU. This is a big win for Russia! Congratulations (I say with a slight emphasis on the irony of it all..). And it really looks as though there is no longer much point arguing for a border treaty, since travel arrangements don't look as though they are going to be that complicated in the future for Russians. Looks like Estonia and the EU don't really have any qualms about letting in tens of thousands of Russians to Estonia. Why use the back door when the EU is willing to roll out the red carpet!!
Peter26 May 2006 05:34
Looks like its time to organize another referendum and get Estonia out of the EU as soon as possible.
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