Ontario provintsivalimised – liberaalide triumf
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
coming soon to ontario16 Oct 2007 20:35
Anonymous17 Oct 2007 12:04
We don't want your homophobic kids in our public schools, feel free to pull em out.
kuidas?17 Oct 2007 13:21
Maximus, how is this homophobic?
Maximus17 Oct 2007 14:17
Did you read the article?

[i]"A call is being issued to Christians who have been engaged in the culture wars in California's schools to abandon the system, after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a ban on "discriminatory bias" against homosexuals and others with alternative sexual lifestyles."[i]

The first poster is seeming to imply that now that the Tories lost, Ontario public schools are nothing but a den for homosexuals and deviants just like California. We don't need this type of intolerance in our public schools.
it is coming17 Oct 2007 17:00
and who was/may be again the minister of education in ontario ?
Maximus17 Oct 2007 20:16
I'll take the bait and answer the question to which you already know the answer. The current and likely future Ontario education minister is Kathleen Wynne, and yes she's gay (shock and horror!).

But I guess she or her beliefs can't be too far off from what the rest of the province believes in because not only did her party win big, she herself kicked John Tory's butt in her riding. Not often you see the party leader lose.
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