Riigikogu Statement on the Crimes of the Occupation Regime in Estonia
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous27 Jun 2002 09:39
This is a statement, but is it being sent / given to anyone? If so, who?
It will be a long overdue reward, if the world would finally recognize the attrocities that the Estonian people have suffered!
Viitus03 Jul 2002 23:09
In my opinion this would be the most stupid thing to start demanding any kind of compensation from Russia. Not that there is any question about the wrong doing - this is a fact... However the country to blame for that - the Soviet Union - has not existed for last ten years. There is no way Russia will accept any quilt for that.. and they have every right to say that. I think its time to bury the ashes. Estonia could benefit way more from building a healthy and strong relationship with its neighbour. My two cents..
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