Ron Paul's 10% in Iowa shocks establishment media
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Ron Paul is a kook05 Jan 2008 21:28
One swallow doesn't make a summer

Three months from today, people will have difficulty remembering who Ron Paul is.
His chances of becoming President of the USA are about the same as Maxim's of becoming President of Estonia. The they both believe that they are fit for the job is irrelevant.
What is07 Jan 2008 08:31
Nor does a flock of swallows - look at Hillary.

With respect, what is a reliable source? The New York Times? The Toronto Star? Both have their own axe to grind.

Prison Planet was reliable in the sense that it brought facts to the public - the 10% garnered by Paul - that the "reliable" mainstream chose not to pass on. Whether or not one thinks that Paul is a kook, facts are, that he has a lot of support among those who feel disenfranchised by the two-party system run by bankers and the elite.

Look at Canada - neither the Libs or Tories, once elected, answer to the majority. Paul's candidacy serves to emphasize the divide between career pols and the public. That in itself is newsworthy.
Maxim.07 Jan 2008 13:00
Ron Paul may not be eveyone's cup of tea, but it certainly looks like everyone else's tea is evaporating faster than that which they feel comfortable. Paul for USA; Maxim for Esto pesto!
Oot,oot08 Jan 2008 06:56
Kuidas peab asjast aru saama lähistulevikus, siis kui Paul on USA president, Maxim keerutab oma viirukimuna Kadriorul, ja Toomas Meriloo juhatab EKNI? (Ja Siim Kallas loeb raha Caymani saartel????)
Maxim.08 Jan 2008 08:05
Ja pealegi-ma lasen vanaks ja näruks läinud seinamaalid Kadriorus välja vahetada ilusate vene ikoonide vastu. Siis oleks asi ladna. Mõtleme veel keda ma austuseks paneme Tsaari näol seinale rippuma. Võimalusi on palju.
Rahvariided08 Jan 2008 09:35
Maxim, kas tohib küsida, mida tulevane president kavatseks kanda 24. veebruaril? St, rahvariideid, võl...?
Max (im) Revealed!08 Jan 2008 14:55
straight from the horse's mouth:
Maxim.09 Jan 2008 12:03
Just one difference-he's half more handsome than I am!
florida/ohio/newhampshire09 Jan 2008 11:39
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