Kotkajärve a no-dog zone during Jamboree
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
asinine, or, bovine?12 Jul 2008 13:46
Have those meanies told us why they've come down heavy on the canines?
Anonymous14 Jul 2008 07:54
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Anonymous camper16 Jul 2008 09:59
I checked with the Public Health Department and here is their answer:

Dear "Anonymous": I am not aware of legislation that would ban dogs on a private organized summer camp. Perhaps you could contact the camp operator to determine if this is a policy of the owners/operators. Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 567, Rabies Immunization, Section 1 requires that dogs and cats be immunized against rabies. Under the Health Protection and Promotion Act R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 562, Food Premises, section 59 (e) and section 60 (a) set out exclusion requirements and exemptions for dogs in a food premises. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 705. 721-7330, ext. 7285 or emailbill.kemeny@smdhu.org

If this rule is by TESS or Suurlaager Muskoka leaders, then they should say so and not hide behind nonexistant Health Department regulations.

As a rule, NATURALLY, all dogs should be on leashes and away from the food area and NATURALLY, all owners should scoop the poop.
Anonymous camper16 Jul 2008 10:09
Further to my previous comment, KJ has been operating for well over 50 years and I have never heard of a problem regarding dogs.
Why the hard line now?
Anonymous16 Jul 2008 10:40
Why do all dog owners believe they have some sort of god given right to disrupt the enjoyment of the majority of us who do not own dogs? They're animals. They're noisy. They're dirty. Some of us have dog allergies. Some of us have small children who are uncomfortable around these animals.
You have a right to take them to your cottage and have them run around there. But please, don't make others suffer for your hobby.
Anonymous camper16 Jul 2008 11:07
Some of us don't have cottages nor people to care for our pets when we go away for a weekend.
Some of us have parents who are elderly and can't take our pets when we go to KJ to drop off or pick up our children. We want to come there to enjoy Avamine, Suurlõke and Lõpetamine. It's too far to drive just to stay for a couple of hours.
I fear that your decision will turn many parents off.

"They're animals. They're noisy. They're dirty. Some of us have dog allergies. Some of us have small children who are uncomfortable around these animals. "

My goodness!!! And you're spending time in and/or sending children to the wilderness that is KJ?

"Gaid / skaut on looduse ja loomade sõber."
Anonymous16 Jul 2008 22:58
Right then. Don't take pets if you are unable to care for them.
poisi ema17 Jul 2008 07:33
"They're animals. They're noisy. They're dirty."
Have you ever been in hundulaager?
Anonymous camper17 Jul 2008 09:52
Unlike cats, who are fine to leave alone at home for a week, with food, water and a litterbox, dogs are social animals and need their human companions. Their families are their "packs".
We CARE for our pet very well, thank you! Our dog, as part of our family, travels with us. The dog is clean, well behaved and friendly to all, especially children.
Anonymous17 Jul 2008 11:01
Bravo! While you may see a "family member" in your canine friend, the vast majority of us still see an animal that barks; pees and poohs willy-nilly; and a furry beast that is infested with insects and heaven knows what sort of other bactiria and microbes.
Good call by the folks at KJ or the municipality.
Anonymous camper17 Jul 2008 11:51
I'm sure the "majority" of people who send their kids to camp at KJ are not naive enough to think that they are staying in a sterile environment.
I hope those in the "majority" (NOT) do not swim in the lake - beavers and otters and moose and fish and lord knows what else also swims in there.
DO NOT use the outhouses - Who knows who else has sat there! - GROSS!!
DO NOT let your kids go on the overnight hike. They don't even have a kitchen there and have to PEE IN AN OUTHOSE that THEY have to dig in the WOODS!! - quick call the authorities!!
DO NOT go to saun - naked butts on the benches - EWWW
DO NOT open your mouth to speak or sing - you WILL catch a mosquito or fly at one point - (GASP! There are insects at KJ??!!)

I could go on, but you get the point.

I've never heard such ridiculous arguments in my life!

Don't worry! We've made other arrangements for the week and will not be there to bother you.
Anonymous17 Jul 2008 01:55
Let's look at the positive. It will keep Maxim away.
Anonymous17 Jul 2008 12:38
you mean to say you choose your dog's companionship over your friends at Kotkaj'arve!!.. I guess you don't value your friends
Anonymous17 Jul 2008 12:53
It is obvious that dog owners like their dogs,...thats fine, but many of us don't like dogs at all and you must accept that too.
Im not the only one who has always been afraid of them and my daughter bears a large scar that resulted from a bite by our friend's "wonderfully trained dog" , . Yes, I could have sued but obviously did not...afterall they were estos and we still remain good friends.
Surely pet owners, must understand that they are a minority , The rest simply want you just tie up your dog where you park your car and visit it whenever YOU want to.
I don't care if its lawful or against the law to have the dog at Kotkaj'arve...but regardless of the law..please please don't impose your animal choice on everyone. I think pets are "looma piinamine" and the non-stop barking of dogs is very annoying.
I smile, I hide behind the annoymous and write this because Im too polite to say anything directly to a dog owner ( they get so mean if confronted) ...but honestly.your smelly, sniffing panting dog is totally gross. Im disgusted by the dogs every year... but not quite enough to NOT COME TO KOTKAJ'arve at all.
r17 Jul 2008 13:08
Where did this mystery regulation come from? As pointed out by a previous poster, Public Health does not seem to be aware of it and googling does not bring out anything. Did somebody just invent it?!

On slightly different topic, I really dislike EE publishing such anonymous notices. Somebody (Suurlaager juhatus?) must have sent this to EE toimetus for publishing and they should provide some point of contact for more information. Ideally they should provide the link to Public Health Department Regulations as well.
Anonymous camper17 Jul 2008 13:23
You must have friends in high places to have your rule imposed at KJ.
I guess it will be Jõekääru & Seedrioru next. There sure were a lot of happy puppies in both those places this year too.

I also smile behind my anonymity. You don't actually even know if I AM a dog owner or just posing as one to expose the ridiculousness of this argument. Animal lovers don't neccessarily have to be animal owners. All I know is that as long as I have been going to KJ, there have been dogs there.

I wonder what Alice Kullango or Leo Puurits and others who helped build KJ would have said, back in the day, if someone told them that their dogs aren't welcome there? (and there were hundreds and hundreds more people in camp in those days!)
Maxim.17 Jul 2008 14:32
You've always believed in Political Correctness. Now it comes back to haunt you in a way you don't like, and you get angry. Shows what a sense of short-sightedness you display when you compare attitudes to the days prior to your much hailed PC Postmodernism. One sad fact about life is you can't bring back the past, and all the good things that went with it. So keep on being negative and try to come to terms with it when it comes back and hits you in the proverbial.
Auff28 Jul 2008 12:31
TESS as the property owner who is to some extent liable for whatever happens can restrict dogs from thier property unless they are seeing eye dogs, which like the rest of thier cannie brothers are not a health concerns at all. Source : the health regulations.

Unfortunately the TESS's fear of liability seems to overide scouting prinicples.They have over empowered themselves by not making alternate accomodations - ( koerte all laager ehk "murilaste platts". )

Clearly it is for the most part striclty the dog owner who is liable should any related mishaps occur. This desicion is soley in the childrens best intertests - albiet a big time knee jerk reaction.

Unfortunelty our litiginous society has left our cannies family members excluded ..... Where do they sue??

Mina oma kora enam laagrise ei saada !
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