Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
yet another article that really perks up the Estonian community !
If this story was printed in EPL, Postimees, or The Star, you would not kvetch in this jejeune manner. News is news, and one assumes that this story was posted here in connection with International Women's Day, underlining the double standards that still exist in our "liberated" world. Your comment is a typical one of male chauvinism.
don't read The Star ..... too much of a femmininist and socialist slant in the stories for me.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: n/a (20:45)
You are a prime example of the joke:
What is an Estonian's favorite meal? Why, another Estonian!
Yes, we certainly need more people like you to keep our community thriving. Love your "dump on the paper" at every opportunity mentality and constant needling. I find your commentary extremely annoying...and sad. You obviously thrive on destructive behaviour.
What is an Estonian's favorite meal? Why, another Estonian!
Yes, we certainly need more people like you to keep our community thriving. Love your "dump on the paper" at every opportunity mentality and constant needling. I find your commentary extremely annoying...and sad. You obviously thrive on destructive behaviour.
boy have yous guys got me properly tagged! rotflmao
Forgot to ask, what is the female Muslim population of Estonian?
The article suggests that Hymenoplasty is "particularly popular" in this group.
The article suggests that Hymenoplasty is "particularly popular" in this group.
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