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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Morsk01 Apr 2012 09:58
sellist rämpsu pole ennem näinud. Mõte on täiega kräpp ja video on koolipoiste tehtud.
Ats01 Apr 2012 12:04
Suur tänu EWR et näidate oma ajakirjandus ja eesti uudiste taset.
positive01 Apr 2012 15:01
Kas seda saab osta Estoreist? Eesti Maja kohvikust? Leaside Pharmacyst? Hillside Cafe'st?
Would not expect...01 Apr 2012 17:02
anything different from the EWR seltsimehed.
Pushing the envelope02 Apr 2012 04:20
Each generation tries to push the envelope.

Another example is the very popular clothing line fcuk, which is boldly emblazoned on T-shirts...designed to shock and sell. No one makes a fuss about it anymore. It is just part of human nature.
Concerned04 Apr 2012 10:16
Pushing the envelope? Shocking that such rubbish appears here at Eesti Elu beside photos of Lasteaed kids. Why on earth are you exposing the community, youth and your child to this nonsense that's not funny, interesting or remotely informative? Shame on you.
Times change, but shock rules07 Apr 2012 11:43
This is the new age and this is what sells...apparently even water.

Remember when bottled water came out? People were wondering who was going to buy something that you can get from your tap for a fraction of the cost.

Now we are wondering, what are we doing to our environment with all those empty plastic bottles..times change don't they?
wow02 Apr 2012 09:41
I will never look at "water" the same way after that.
mad man02 Apr 2012 13:33
I wonder what Don Draper would think about this?
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