The Estonian Pompeii
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Silvi Verder04 Mar 2003 07:54
Thank you for the story!
These kinds of personal accounts of our history should be compiled for future generations.
War doesn't only affect countries & families at the time of their occurrence, but for lifetimes.
It IS good to move on, but we must never forget.
(I wonder what percentage 463 people was, of the population of Tallinn on that date, March 9, 1944?) Does anyone know?
I bet it's a far greater percentage than the loss to the pop. of NYC on 9/11.
Lee08 Mar 2003 13:18
I am not very sure, but I think the
population was somewhere between or around 140 ooo to 150 ooo. I shall check, but I feel there must have been more than 461 people killed on that night. There were two waves of planes with a 2-3 hour difference in between that came over and I tell you, when we rode in next morning from Hiiu the smell was very distinctive, of fire and death. Totally unforgettable. I lost a friend oposite the cinema and I believe a relative who worked in the cinema on Harju st. It was weeks before they were found. Lee
Mehis06 Mar 2003 23:49
9.märtsil on taas üks kurb aastapäev Eesti ajaloos. 1944 aastal käisid ameerika eraldusmärkidega sõjalennukid Tallinnat pommitamas, kusjuures ka osa piloote olid arhiiviandmetele tuginedes USA kodanikud. See, et nendel lennukitel olid USA õhujõudude tunnusembleemid on kirjalikult fikseeritud mitmes Saksa lahingüksuse päevikus, mille kohta on ka kirjanduses mitmeid viiteid ja väljatrükke olnud. kuid praegusaegne ajalookäsitlus on paratamatult süüdlaseks lavastanud ainult Venemaa üksinda ja seda toonitades, et nende lenduriteks olid naispiloodid. Nii et ka USA aitas kaasa ühe kaunima põhjamaa pealinna muutmisel varemetemereks ja tuhandete tsiviilelanike tapmisele, kuna pommitatavate objektide hulgas puudusid täielikult sõjalised objektid. Kas ka USA valitsus selle eest ka Eesti Vabariigi pärast andeks palub on üldiselt kahtlane nagu ka Vene Föderatsiooni poolne vabandamine selle eest, et Eesti Vabariik oli üle 50 aasta tema poolt okupeeritud ja anastatud.
Lee08 Mar 2003 12:59
Dear Mehis! I am afraid you have been brainwashed about who bombed Tallinn in 1944. Every plane in those days had a very distinctive
sound and we new them - airraid -trained, you know. In that year I lived just a short train ride from Tallinn, but went to school in the city - old enough to hang around after school. March 9 was not the only airraid we had, although it was the worst. My mother worked at the Postoffice and I have been in that basement also, under a table when
window glass shattered in. The post office was then near the back of Jaani kirik. There was never any doubt in anyones mind whose planes came circling over Tallinn and whose bombs fell. (not all exploded - Soviet quality you know.)I too lost someone on Harju street.How old are you anyway, Mehis. Lee
Jüri26 Apr 2003 05:54
Well, as with all things, it depends on your vantage point. Humans generally prefer not to know of the unhappiness of others, for mankind has been blessed with a surfeit of suffering. It is only when you have personally been through killing fields that you wonder: Why can't I get anyone to listen? - Keegi ei kuula meid.
March 9, 1944 - an old town with medieval architecture goes up in flames. Hundreds of lives lost, thousands displaced, unexpected guests arrive in hundreds of homes, for otherwise they would sleep in the streets, and March is a cold time of year in Estonia. But not on this night. Flames so hot that they caused windstorms, as in Dresden. Not as hot as in Hiroshima, but the springing up of ruins was universal in 1944 and 1945.
It was a full moon that night, and in the spire of a church, the bell rang by itself because of the artificially induced wind.
In my family too, my mother would always dwell on March 9, it does change your life when the windows are of the apartment are blown in, but no one gets cut, when the houses across the street perish and yours is left standing. You too would feel that the Titans are moving chesspieces or perhaps a gigantic elephant has run amok in the porcelain shop of your life and the destiny of your people.
My sister's birthday is on March 9, she was sort of cheated in this respect, my mother's attention was elsewhere, just a tad.
The party who believes old Soviet disinformation about American or British bombers is aiding and abetting our tormentors, many among them too continue to claim Moscow wasn't to blame.
One could of course say that in the broadest sense the Great Powers - Hitler and Stalin and later Stalin and Roosevelt and Churchill ganged up on a number of small countries and did bad things to them and left them without freedom. That would not be untrue. But it would be absurd to go along with Soviet/Russian disinformation. Many of the beautiful cities of the Baltic were disfigured above all by Moscow - Vyborg, Narva, significant parts of Tallinn. The maiming of Kõnigsberg was probably a joint Nazi-Soviet effort.
Russian revanchists and primitive people continue to insist that Narva - something very very special architecturally, but now just a rapidly fading memory, an aching empty place - was destroyed by the Germans. One of the main tricks of the KGB used to be to pin blame for their own tricks on others. It pains me to read cockeyed and - to be honest - slightly deranged conspiracy theories in our papers.
The human condition is often a sad one.
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