Ilves: the citizens of the European Union and the United States of America deserve an e-leap in health care
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
dh27 Oct 2012 13:45
E-Leaps in health care sound like a very good idea. Even simple things like routine blood pressure monitoring and pre-diabetic profiling would benefit from an e-health approach. Applicable for both preventive medicine and monitoring of existing medical disorders. Excellent!!
dh27 Oct 2012 14:32
I should also mention that e-health would save costs in several areas. This should allow more money to go to salaries for doctors and other health care providers (which they very much need).
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: dh (13:45)
jaan Joot27 Oct 2012 21:40
I would have been more impressed if Mr. Ilves had some positive proposals in terms of ridding the environment of toxins; some positive proposals in the creation of a healthy population, rather than mere data retrieval by sick people or about to be sick people. Data retrieval is one thing and a well and healthy populace another.
Mai Maddisson28 Oct 2012 17:30
Ja, mittmed maailma suunad meenutavad seda uut ja 'haitavat' abinouda: Aga kui hakkad mottlema mis voib viltu minna arvan tool on rohkem voimalust.
Ega nii palju inimesi ei hukku tanapaeval kui koiki andmied ie ole kae parast. Igal inimesel voib oma vaike tocument olla rahakottis-vahemalt pere artsti kontakti andmeid.
Aga kui juba andmed lahevad "Cyberspaci' siis saab iga uks neeid katte kui oskab: See oli meie pogenikkude mure kui meie Eestist lahkusime ja kesk Euroopa kada randasime soja ajal.
Ja, motte on jea aga rohkem kasut kuritegejale kui haigele.
tiia29 Oct 2012 10:55
There is also a huge amount of work to be done to discourage the production and consumption of unhealthy foods. That, after all, is one the main reasons for poor health.
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