Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Colonizing the US of A since November 4, 2008
The following is an “interesting” prelude to the above article:
Op-Ed Columnist NYTIMES:
“Pussy Riot, Tupac and Putin” By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, published: December 18, 2012.
Quote from article: “…I wonder if Putin realizes how open the U.S. would be to partnering with Russia today to bring order to the Middle East or to serve as a counterweight to China — especially when the European Union is so weak and America is so inwardly focused. Yes, NATO expansion was a huge mistake, and it got America and Putin off on the wrong foot. …“
Op-Ed Columnist NYTIMES:
“Pussy Riot, Tupac and Putin” By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, published: December 18, 2012.
Quote from article: “…I wonder if Putin realizes how open the U.S. would be to partnering with Russia today to bring order to the Middle East or to serve as a counterweight to China — especially when the European Union is so weak and America is so inwardly focused. Yes, NATO expansion was a huge mistake, and it got America and Putin off on the wrong foot. …“
Maybe it's time for Estonia to have closer partnerships with Finland and Norway...Sweden. Perhaps Latvia, Lithuania and Poland? Some strategic thinking may be in order since everyone knows that RU hasn't "evolved" yet.
Sama ka eesti keeles
Actually, when I think about it more, who is Obama to decide that re-sovietization is "OK"? Nobody voted for this, even in America. What sort of democracy is the US to let Obama make such decisions by himself? He can just reset himself perhaps.
Anything one reads from a pro-Moscow paper must be taken with a grain of salt. But what I saw yesterday on the back-pages of Eesti Elu must be true. Namly, Eesti Maja has decided to usurp, without consultation, the decades old tradition of the Estonian Central Council and consulate, by organizing a party, the night before the Vabariigi aastapäeva aktus on Sunday, 24th February. The Central Council with the consulate always has had one for non-esto guests on the Friday. Why am I bringing this up here? Even the slightest sign of a threat to Estonia's sovereignty, be it even in the non-credible Russia media, needs toevaluated and we have to be confident in the support of our allies and also Canadian politicians. At the EKN and consulate function it was customary for non-estos in their short speeches to "swear friendship and loyalty" to Estonia and to Canadian estos. It would be foolish to have two nights of partying the days before the aktus. There are not enough participants and all three fucntions will suffer.The traditional evening now has seemingly been unilaterally shoved aside by Estonian House. Why?
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