Eesti Vabariik 95 pidulik tähistamine Toronto Eesti Majas peokõne VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Liige02 Mar 2013 10:58
Seems like a nice kid. But was it really so difficult to find one of the many under 40's who are actually active in the community to speak. It's not this kid's fault, but didn't Hess think it might be insulting to those who actively participate, organize and contribute to get lectured by someone who has never participated in any sort of meaningful community activity? Next time he may want to consider celebrating one of our many, hard working, young community volunteers rather than someone who's main community connection is being Hess' neighbour. Extremely disappointing aspect of an otherwise very well organized event.
Mihkelist oli ema tulnud03 Mar 2013 15:45
Peame ja proovime rahul olema jutlusega. Varem pole ka olnud just õige valik. Aga Paul, kes kaotas oma isa väga noorelt, ja kelle vanaemad ja vanaisad teda kasvatasid, tegi väga hästi.

See on tulevi. tõsi EKN on noorem kui enne - kas see pole hea või on paha?. And who is to say, that the ones you refer to, others active on the community were not asked to speak, but turned it down? Judgmentalism is always present in estos abroad. Take the good for what it is.

Sorry, my eesti keel was not up to the last paragraph.
a/n03 Mar 2013 18:43
He seemed prepared and will becomed more polished as time goes by and he is permitted to speak more often.

Paul was asked and he delivered.

At least he isn't a "wannabe" like that jack of all trades (master of none) Hr. Illar Tenno who can't decide if wants to be a DVM, Debt Dr., Bug expert, general contractor, Airport manager, waterboy etc etc.
Alex Kink03 Mar 2013 20:14
I keep seeing these bitter anonymous comments about Mr (what's Hr.?) Illar Tenno. Perhaps you care to shed some light as to what he has done wrong to you or the community?

Alex Kink
Volunteer04 Mar 2013 06:02
Being prepared has nothing to do with it at all.
Find someone who can lead through example rather than status of employer or who your neighbor is.
EKN has to stop insulting those of us who volunteer in the community with such insensitive and condescending decisions. If Hess were more involved than just his fraternity, he'd know that there are plenty of young Canadian Estonians who actively contribute to this community.
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