Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
NB Inglisekeeles sihilikult:
Francis Fukuyama’s seminal book—The End of History and the Last Man—sits on my bookshelf to this day; I took it down for a look. A lot of dust has gathered over the 22 years since it was published (literally, cough, cough, and figuratively). The well-read and thoughtful President Ilves has made a number of exceptionally important and well-thought-out speeches in the last 3 months. This is one of them. God-speed to him and his campaign to “educate” the West.
Francis Fukuyama’s seminal book—The End of History and the Last Man—sits on my bookshelf to this day; I took it down for a look. A lot of dust has gathered over the 22 years since it was published (literally, cough, cough, and figuratively). The well-read and thoughtful President Ilves has made a number of exceptionally important and well-thought-out speeches in the last 3 months. This is one of them. God-speed to him and his campaign to “educate” the West.
I agree with Toomas Merilo, but would suggest that Ilves' observations are too guarded. The style is typical of democratic statesmen. To great effect, Valclav Havel and Ronald Reagan didn't use this template. They called a spade a shovel.
“Kogu läänemaailm seisab silmitsi uue olukorraga, mille on tekitanud autoritaarne režiim idas. Kõne all on tõsised välised väljakutsed"
Kas Ilves soovib uut suurt ja laia maailmasõda?
Kas Ilves soovib uut suurt ja laia maailmasõda?
Toomas Merilo on Ilvese suur sôber juba lapsepôlveajast… sotsiaalsed suhted ja privaatne seotus môjutab.
Kommentaarid sellele artiklile on suletud.