Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Häbiväärne! Kas see on näide uuest euro-väärtusest, mida eesti juhid soovivad omandada?
This looks like eesti's version of what the Danes did to Muhamed with the cartoons. Why get excited about the reaction from some primitive superstitious Russian occupants.
There is however, the possibility that the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox church will egg Putin on to growl a bit and possibly the pope may express his unhappiness with the success of the Reformation which was long overdue.
So what.Who cares?
There is however, the possibility that the metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox church will egg Putin on to growl a bit and possibly the pope may express his unhappiness with the success of the Reformation which was long overdue.
So what.Who cares?
The Virgin Mary is still revered in the Christian world. The reformation did nothing to shatter her image, as this tasteless display might imply.
I'd like to meet the ignoramus who put this display into place. It makes no sense.
The Reformation was a schism in the Catholic church. It was followed by a counter-reformation which reformed Catholic tradition.
Today, Christianity is as strong as it needs to be. It was John Paul II, with help from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, who caused the Soviet Union to implode under the weight of its Potemkin glory.
The Reformation was a schism in the Catholic church. It was followed by a counter-reformation which reformed Catholic tradition.
Today, Christianity is as strong as it needs to be. It was John Paul II, with help from Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, who caused the Soviet Union to implode under the weight of its Potemkin glory.
Kas Eestlased vihkavad kaa nende oma emad, voi 'ainult' Jumala Ema? Kas nendel abi ei ole?
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