Walk of shame: Sweden’s “first feminist government” don hijabs in Iran VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
feminism rootsis-13 Feb 2017 08:28
feminism rootsis- kaasaja kurjuse kehastus.
rootsieestlane soovitab soojalt ing k videot feminismist, mis on reetnud oma valijagrupi, n a i s e d:


eesti mees,
bill13 Feb 2017 12:11
Communism, Zionism & Feminism Share NWO Pedigree.

Feminism was invented in Russia as a method of war, and during the Cold War feminists in Russia were deported to the west. Feminists break down the family, reduce breeding and create infighting.
Mälmo = “Security Risk”13 Feb 2017 13:11
This is the result of sweden's weak, globalist controlled, emasculated leadership deceiving its own people.


"... soaring crime being committed by Muslim migrants has become part of a national conversation in Sweden after veteran police officer Peter Springare blew the whistle on how almost all of the serious crimes in his city were being carried out by Muslims. Springare’s warning was backed up by Gothenburg police officer Tomas Åsenlöv, who revealed that cops were being told to implement Code 291 rules to hide “all information about the immigration-related crime.”
Feminism rootsis14 Feb 2017 02:22
Kui me ei tea kes meie rahvusriike kontrollib ehk on M/S Estonia hukutamine kurjade jõudude poolt tõsi? Mil saame kontrolli tagasi oma rahvusriikide üle ja lõpetatakse kodanike lollitamine? Rootsi k video Estonia pommidest https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=... Eesti mees
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