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Tarvo Toomes04 Mar 2018 12:37
Estonian World Review ei avalda ei minu artikleid ega kommentaare
kahju sellest!04 Mar 2018 15:35
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Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Õ is not most unique! (15:25)
Kuidas nii?04 Mar 2018 16:59
Avaldas ju, Avaldas isegi kommentaari, millel arikliga vähimatki seost ei ole.
to "kahju sellest"04 Mar 2018 19:26
Kes siis ajalehe artiklite kommentaarides arveid õiendab? On selge, et artikliks see ei sobi.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to "Õ is not" and "kahju" (19:23)
Õ is not most unique!04 Mar 2018 15:25
'Unique' is a categorical, not a scalar, term.
That means: something can be 'unique' or 'not unique', but; not either more or less unique.
Look it up in the dictionary!
to "Õ is not" and "kahju"04 Mar 2018 19:23
“Look it up in the dictionary!” This is called mastery of the language people use: "According to The Oxford English Dictionary, since the middle of the 19th century unique has “had a tendency to take the wider meaning of ‘uncommon, unusual, remarkable’"(1). Should absolutes be modified? From the standpoint of an interest in writing, the identification of “most unique” as a wordiness issue (i.e. as confusing), is controversial.

Language mavens are self-appointed (“isehakkanud” [sic]) authorities par excellence (2). They are generally prescriptive, not descriptive, grammarians, with little or no background in linguistics. They attempt to prescribe usage (3), not to analyze, deliberate, contemplate, or formulate questions.

1. https://www.quickanddirtytips....

2. https://www.thoughtco.com/what...

3. https://www.thoughtco.com/what...
Soanso04 Mar 2018 15:29
Interesting article!
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