400 avalik kiri: valeinfo põhjal vastu võetud Rail Balticu seadus tuleb tühistada! PM
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Lembit Tork, arhitekt. Tallinn11 Apr 2018 00:37
Tubli! Igaüks võib seda sõnastada omamoodi. Mina: kunagi saab kopp täis ja tulebki seista kolonialiseeritud 'provintsi' mänedžerklassi vastu, kes valetab nii, et suu suitseb. Või saba jalgade vahel vaikib häbelikult, oma toidukausi ees.
Alo Ervin12 Apr 2018 02:36
Public letter of the 400 in English: https://news.postimees.ee/4467...
Lembit ork, architect. Tallinn12 Apr 2018 08:10
Selling the one asset we hold most dear?

Eesti's PM, Jüri Ratas, responded in rote, uncreative fashion, to this ühiskonnategelaste letter. Nonplussed. With the blanket assertion: Rail Balticu will be good for the Estonian economy. That's it! This is '2 solitudes' politics, pure and simple. A grand divide that does not need to be bridged with cogent explanation. Should we be surprised? Once again, the curious phenomenon: politicians are granted with special ESP (extrasensory perception) access to information that we don't have. That they may not have had, until they ascended to power! It's funny. Should I ever be so lucky? Ask Kadri '180 degrees turnabout' Simson. Unashamedly completely reverssing her opinion on the rail line. As soon her party became a part of the ruling coalition. I repeat: as soon her party became a part of the ruling coalition. Blink not.

For the non-deluded observor, this obviously stinks of collusion with unstated policy. What is that policy? Oh, if only we really knew! By logic, it doesn't bear public scrutiny. Why? Because it's messy. It doesn't serve everyone equally enough. Vampires scurrying from the daylight? Or administration by technocrats with little tolerance for democratic process? Either way, the public does not know. This makes for anger. Visceral and intense. But, heck, in the hall of mirrors it's no problem. It's mere 'populism'. Not a resource-stealing conspiracy, coming home to roost, know as the 'shock doctrine'. Not exactly, nor even vaguely, as Naomi Klein outlined in her bestseller. Why? Because that shit happens elsewhere. In third world nations. Hmmm... which 'world' does infinitesimally tiny, kallis Eesti belong to?

Okay. If one's too dumb (read: trusting) to figure it out, maybe the whole shebang goes something like this: Estonia is fairly unique in the EU as a sparsely populated territory ripe for the picking/ the raping. The rape is fivefold, at least. Hopefully it will not succeed (despite our political class's eagerness to serve the 'greater interests' of the EU, for all the usual idealistic, self-interested or even treasonous reasons - please remember the relative size of salaries). Hopefully citizens and well-intended politicians will catch on in time. The rape:

1) deforest Estonia for quick profits,
2) in parallel, depopulate rural areas to ease/ enable/ streamline the process,
3) stripmine the resultant wasteland for extraordinarily valuable mineral assets (which could have made estonians as rich as the average norwegian),
4) transport the 'stolen' resources to Europe via the tax-payer-funded rail balticu (unrationalizable by any other criterion),
5) maybe use the same route in reverse to unload Europe's nuclear waste materials, to be buried in the holes created. Sounds practical. And besides, these are 'coincidentally bequeathed' non-ancestral lands (read: random, doesn't really belong to us- because the 'us' is mere racist delusion). I.e. get with the program, bro!

No! As none of this makes sense. It would mean someone's untoward intentions. Ha-ha! 'Just let me live without your pain'- Polish band Riverside: Anno Domini. Thus spake the beleaguered indigenous(t). No more room for you, hombre!
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