Juhtkiri 15 2018 Võõrapärasuse kartus Eesti Elu
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
W.Johanson16 Apr 2018 17:14
Unfortunately, here is an example of the low level public discourse has reached.
It is not helpful to declare your worldview as the enlightened, peace-loving, and inclusive stand. Also, self-declaring your billionaires as "benevolent" is a misnomer.
This article is as full of hate as the author claims the Hungarians are.
Truly unfortunate!
L. Tork, Tallinn19 Apr 2018 01:31
Hei Tõnu, did 'they' finally 'get' to you? (Heh-heh). But seriously, I know you know this territory as well as anyone, and likely could argue either side with equal passion and intelligence! But just to be the bug dropping in the ointment, in this age of elastic words, I'm personally 'triggered' whenever I hear the term 'populist'. Used in today's derogatory/ dismissive way, that is. Kind of like in your opinion piece here. 'Populist'? I mean who doesn't want to be popular. And what's wrong with being a 'sexist'? Doesn't everyone want to be sexy? Ha-ha. This is no time for old jokes for elastic minds. So, my first reaction to Orban's win was a grand: 'At last! Someone finally got some sense. Got one over Soros's bonerific globalists'! Whose emotive mantra is the simplistic: 'Europe, tear down your walls' (-TH Ilves), and enjoy your collective suicide (-Douglas Murray). Whose only consistent goal is getting their grubby hands on everyone's resources. Which no one is supposed to feel they 'own'. And all of this in service of unity, equity, world peace or what have you. 'Interdependency'. Because they'll administer the whole shebang in such superior fashion. Yeah. I can just imagine that kind of power not corrupting absolutely. A bunch of centralized, efficiency expert 'techno-fascist retards' posing as saviours. Some perhaps even believing in their own propaganda- it is a kind of 'religion' after all. Who would love nothing less than digitizing the world's currency, and then having all the levers for themselves. Or I haven't read Harvardian wunderkind Kenneth Rogoff's tripe on the matter: proposing the elimination of cash as a way of 'thwarting criminals'. Yes petty criminals and tinpot dictators. That's it.
And the biggest fish swim free. The smart sharks with fab silvery haircuts. And intelligent people go for this stuff, some even former presidents looking for new challenges. Why do they never seem to look at the other side of the coin, I wonder. I guess we've all noticed by now, that the 'anachronism' known as the nation state needs to be dismantled, via 'weaponized' unassimilable mass-immigration; Noticed, it is no longer in vogue for the citizen to consider any kind of national, god-given or natural birthright to, well... anything. Which, I'm guessing is why a sense of belonging needs to be shattered into feeble nothingness, mere rosolje. And we all know why:
otherwise we'll devolve into xenophobic facism.

Well, well. Here we have it. Choosing one's poison. Which would you rather enjoy: a cup of national authoritarianism gone sour, or a glass of thickly curdled global totalitarianism, monsieur? Think Monty Python and the gut explosion. Now based on something you've formerly written, I'm guessing you hate the banksters as much as I do, and while the threat of devolving
into some kind of newfangled nazi experience is always a dreadful possibility, the last thing I'd be ready to let of of, is the natural 'geographic' firewalls to the unfettered, obstacle-free, spread of global tyranny that 'tearing down those walls' implies. Good fences making good neighbours. Shouldn't we just give back sovereign nations the right to to issue their own currency? So they can issue it interest-free. So that the taxpayer is not saddled from inception? Eeee... here's a thought: so that people will be richer and happier instead of being sucked to the edge and into the perpetual siphon, known as the corporate deathrun treadmill? Or, maybe there's something to a future of dissolved states replaced by 'phyles' and decentralized cryptocurrencies that no central authority can absolutely control? But that isn't the mondialist dream, is it? Once the 'war' has been won. No more wars, except the blue helmuts needed for crushing local dissent and 'indigenous' resistance. https://www.caseyresearch.com/... Until society makes up it's mind, instead of importing demographic disaster to stave off the 'eventual-loss-of-the-tax-base-disaster (due to aging populations not naturally replenishing themselves), I'd prefer to think of how different life might be if there were more dollars generally available, were they not being constantly sucked into the globalist bankers' black hole of parasitism, predatory capitalism and funding it's holiest of holies: War. Now, maybe I'm being overly simplistic and have the recipe wrong, but the one we're being asked to swallow presently has me gagging. More power to populism!? (if it's actual democracy, not a mere popularity contest with little room for opposition, as Yanis Varoufakis also warns). P.S. I appreciate your letter of warning. Mine is the other side of that coin.
Orban/Hungary 1 - Soros 019 Apr 2018 08:32
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