Estonian Businessmen’s Club in Canada questions Madison project's due diligence report
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Tone Deaf.13 Oct 2018 11:25
This quote from the self-appointed, “4 Pillars”, lays bare their unfortunate attitude towards the greater community and is one reason for the growing community doubts about the project: “We have made decisions and acted in a manner consistent ... [to] ... what we believe to be in the best interests of the Estonian community.” Superficial consultation, after the fact, is not, in fact, meaningful consultation.

Time to get your act together, before people start closing their ETCU bank accounts - there are excellent alternatives in the Finnish, Latvian and Lithuanian communities.
to - tone deaf13 Oct 2018 12:00
There is nothing 'self-appointed' about those referred to in your gratuitous innuendo!
These people are, without exception, known for their selfless volunteer work.
If your allegation of malfeasance had any credibility -- even in your own mind -- then you wouldn't have posted it anonymously.
You should hide your face in shame!
lugeja15 Oct 2018 07:02
I found this comment interesting:

"We have also been transparent in acknowledging that the project is not without risk, including financial risk.

I must have missed these "transparent acknowledgements". I don't recall the communications from the 4 org's mentioning any risk at all. What I do remember reading over and over again is that staying where we are isn't an option and that we have no choice etc. (and I'm not convinced this is the case).

I'd feel better if those responsible would answer the questions raised in this article instead of just saying we don't share these views, we have a mandate etc. As it is, the risk frankly scares the crap out of me. I fear we will reach the point where individuals will be asked to donate huge amounts of money in a big hurry and without these donations, we will be left with no Esto house, no community centre, no nothing. And when we ask how we got this place and were there truly no better options we will be told - but we had no choice.

I really hope the people pushing this project through know what they're doing and aren't acting as cavalierly as it appears. The fact that these legitimate questions are going unanswered is concerning to say the least.
the day will come15 Oct 2018 07:50
"As it is, the risk frankly scares the crap out of me. I fear we will reach the point where individuals will be asked to donate huge amounts of money in a big hurry and without these donations, we will be left with no Esto house, no community centre, no nothing."

I also am also afraid of this scenario and know that it will come. I foresee the Estonian government will also be asked to bail us out, the "rich" ones living abroad, using up monies that should go to improve health care in Estonia, etc.

There are always surprises and cost overruns when building -- the Madison one should have hefty ones if we are building over subway lines. I don't know that this has been financially planned for.

The other unfortunate scenario is that what will be built will be a fraction of the dream, because the money will have run out. I'm afraid of that one too.
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