Inimeste maailm sellisel kujul saab otsa: mis juhtub järgmise 30 aasta jooksul?
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
e m rootsis13 Jun 2019 05:29
Eestile kriisihaldamine lähiminevikust:
e m rootsis13 Jun 2019 05:32
Preppers, hea kodanikealgatus:
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: e m rootsis (05:29)
lisaja13 Jun 2019 09:01
e m rootsis13 Jun 2019 23:44
Rootsi valitsuse vale, mis on peale surutud Saksa valitsuse kontrolli all olevale krimiuurimisasutuse laborile. Faktid keeratakse peapeale Estonia kräshi uurimisel.

Lae mp3 kujul alla ja naudi Nõmme raadiot kuuldemängu!
alternatives to "edutainment"16 Jun 2019 17:10
The medium may be undermining the message. (See Accelerista's mandate "Meie").

"14 aastat on Eestis teatud, et põlevkivienergiale tuleb leida alternatiiv"?

1981. Mare Taagepera. “This article is concerned with the pollution problem in the Baltic republics in a worldwide time and space framework. The current phase of ecological history- the industrial phase-differs from the previous phases because of the following factors: ( 1 ) the growth rate of energy consumption is greater than population growth; (2) biochemical cycles are no longer intact; (3) the environment has been overburdened with synthetic chemicals; (4) world population has been doubling at the rate of once every 35 years instead of once every 1 ,500 years before the industrial phase.1 The industrial phase with its spiralling population and industrial growth cannot last. The post-industrial phase lies ahead and survival will depend on humankind's ability to adapt biologically and culturally. How is the world adapting? How are the Baltic states adapting?"

Mare Taagepera, 1981. POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE BALTICS Source: Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3, SPECIAL NUMBER: BALTIC REFLECTIONS OF WORLD ISSUES (Fall 1981), pp. 260-274

Taagepera's analysis of the shale mining industry in Estonia offers a good example of what is now referred to as the Great Acceleration. We cannot go back but we've moved and are moving too fast.

See also:

“Our ambition is for the work to be revelatory, not accusatory, as we examine human influence on the Earth both on a planetary scale and in geological time. The shifting of consciousness is the beginning of change.”

A historical consciousness is required to grasp eras and ages - ajastud - including the period we are in.
Ajastud16 Jun 2019 18:02

"14 aastat on Eestis teatud, et põlevkivienergiale tuleb leida alternatiiv" ?

1981. Mare Taagepera. POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE BALTICS Source: Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3, SPECIAL NUMBER: BALTIC REFLECTIONS OF WORLD ISSUES (Fall 1981), pp. 260-274

“Our ambition is for the work to be revelatory, not accusatory, as we examine human influence on the Earth both on a planetary scale and in geological time. The shifting of consciousness is the beginning of change.”

“This article is concerned with the pollution problem in the Baltic republics in a worldwide time and space framework. The current phase of ecological history- the industrial phase-differs from the previous phases because of the following factors: ( 1 ) the growth rate of energy consumption is greater than population growth; (2) biochemical cycles are no longer intact; (3) the environment has been overburdened with synthetic chemicals; (4) world population has been doubling at the rate of once every 35 years instead of once every 1 ,500 years before the industrial phase.1 The industrial phase with its spiralling population and industrial growth cannot last. The post-industrial phase lies ahead and survival will depend on humankind's ability to adapt biologically and culturally. How is the world adapting? How are the Baltic states adapting?" Mare Taagepera, 1981.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: alternatives to "edutainment" (17:10)
kliimasoojenemisest skeptikule17 Jun 2019 20:38
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: alternatives to "edutainment" (17:10), Ajastud (18:02)
Aeg tegutseda18 Jun 2019 10:17
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: alternatives to "edutainment" (17:10), Ajastud (18:02), kliimasoojenemisest skeptikule (20:38)
e m rootsis19 Jun 2019 01:00
Juhul kui maailmamerede tõus oleks ohuks põhjalale, oleks kaitsemeetmete planeerimine võetud arutlusse. Näiteks põhjala riigid saaks Taani väinades sulgeda tehistammi abil stabiilse Läänemere veetaseme.
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