Tegeleme Toronto Eesti Maja ümberehituse ettepanekuga: 'Mis oleks kui!? EST, ENG VIDEO TÄIENDATUD
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Vana tark02 Sep 2020 07:57
Arvan et teie inspiratsioon tuleb kangema kraami tarvitamisest.
Kadunuke02 Sep 2020 10:37
Ilus projekt. Paraku hakkan ma seda vaid unes nägema, nagu kogu kaduva eestlaskonna seltsielugi.
Notice how02 Sep 2020 19:22
When there are big news stories this site is out right away with criticism, and accusations - especially questioning people’s motives. (But just questioning - after all what is wrong with a few questions!?)

When there is a definitive announcement it’s always an article playing on the heartstrings about what could have been instead.

When there is no news this site just posts about Estonian far-right politicians. It used to repost some community stories, but these days those are in short supply so it is just far right politics.

I’m no statistician but that is quite a pattern. Very well thought through.
excuse me?02 Sep 2020 21:22
The deal is how many days to closure?
This event needs immediate ELM attention!
Lugeja03 Sep 2020 02:00
Sa tõesti arvad js loodad, et kogu meedia ja saidid peavad olema äärmus liberaalsed ja vasakkpoolsed, mis tegeleksid ajaloolise revisjonismi ja ümberhindamisega?
Kui Sa hindad seda saiti äärmusparempoolseks, pole Sa paraku kaugel sellest, et oma esivanemadki tunnistada ekstermistideks.
Ma ei ole küll sotsiaalteadlane ega meediaanalüütik, aga lihtsalt niisugune järeldus, mida Sinu arvamusele opneerivalt ka avalikkusega jagan.
Kogukonna uudiste ja EM ümber toimuva valgustamise eest olen tänulik, just sellele saidile, mille poliitiline suunitlus minu eelistustega kaugeltki ei kattu.
Our news media03 Sep 2020 07:41
Did you notice how Toomas Trei's far right piece appeared prominently in Eesti Elu unsigned - without "author" - and was removed online when comments began noting his longtime ties not only to Tartu College but also to the favoured fraternity?

The content and method of presentation of that piece alone - as if "news" - with spurious attacks on national, provincial and municipal leaders - should merit the attention of Eesti Elu's government funding agency, never mind the IEC's fundraising targets, or perhaps the latter have changed.

Shall we start identifying the ways in which that paper uses techniques of yellow journalism and propaganda and to what end?

Tampõld called for the merger of two papers and housed the new one, i.e. Eesti Elu, in Tartu College in 2001. Have you tried accessing any news from before that time? Since that time, how do you find the archiving?

Simon Fraser U. has Vaba Eestlane (1952-2001) and Meie Elu (1950-2001) digitized and anyone can search them online. Have you tried using the archives at VEMU? Is that institution user friendly?
Toomas03 Sep 2020 11:01
Everything that I have written has been under my name.
"News" and opinions are different.
Opinion pieces [Arvamused] - are just that. You don't like mine, ok write your own article.
Your "spurious attacks on ... leaders"' (without specific details), appear to be a a mere personal deflection from my accurate depictions.
My influence at Eesti Elu is zero.
to Toomas T.03 Sep 2020 11:45
Are you saying your piece was NOT published by Eesti Elu, with no author identified, or that you are not aware of it?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Our news media (07:41)
Internet Research Meiusi03 Sep 2020 03:11
How dare you...03 Sep 2020 10:10
... imply that Meiusi is a useful idiot?
What's useful about him?
Idiot, for sure!03 Sep 2020 10:11
But where's the useful part?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: How dare you... (10:10)
To our news media13 Sep 2020 07:40
FYI Eesti Elu is not government funded. As an ethnic newspaper the postage costs to subscribers are partially funded. Tartu College and Elmar Tampold, with their own exclusivist academic agenda managed to get VE and ME to merge under dubious financial aegis, machinations leading to a fact that we do not have an independent newspaper. Say what you will about EWR it is the only free, in terms of no subscription and no glavlit, ie censorship outlet in the world. Trei's article was published in Estonian Life under his name, with the dubious addendum of the paper making clear that the views were the author's, not Estonian Life's. Not even the leftist Toronto Star does that. Later the Trei article was removed from the EE website, remained up here at EWR. Estonian Life published an inflammatory and frankly libellous statement along the lines that posting Trei's opinion - not editorial, cannot we have ideas, opinions and free expression of same?- was an error. Some others might have taken legal action. Wonder who pressured our so-called independent voice to do so?
Sadly the principles of Vaba Eestlane - Free Estonian - and Meie Elu - Our Life - have been subsumed by the nefarious aims and agenda of our censorious moneyed academic elite, not responsible or responsive a whit to the community. Just look at the IEC and EM imbroglio.
Saladus valitseb, ausus ja avameelus puudub. Kas sellist yhiskonda me tahtsime?
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