Estonian House Development Appealed to Ontario Land Tribunal
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
NYer06 Oct 2021 21:00
Hasn't this facility and property been sold?

So why is the "appeal" of any concern to the Estonian community?

Are there legal implications to the seller? If so, please explain the ramifications.

Is the "reporter" just stirring up kaka as per his persona ... in which case please stop.
:07 Oct 2021 06:24
The final selling price hasn't been settled, it depends on sqft Diamond can build on this site.

Considering that despite many claims of 'imminent start of construction' nothing has been built on Madison, either due to lack of funds or lack of building permit, the outcome of this appeal has direct effect on KESKUS.
sad saga09 Oct 2021 10:30
The Madison Ave. parking lot,site for KESKUS
sits on two TTC subway lines.
There are strategy,service,planning issues
required by the TTC before a Build Permit
can be issued.
From TTC comments July 2018.
TTC standard requires a minimum of THREE
metres setback between a proposed
development and ANY TTC subway structures.
The proposed drawings submitted(KESKUS)
show a reduced setback of 1.2 metres
between proposed development and TTC
subway structures.

This is 1.8 metres short of minimum standards.
Oct.2021-No issued?
Aga varsti varsti, ruttu,ruttu.
The mantra continues !
From the sidelines11 Oct 2021 08:17
Now with this KESKUS project not meeting code according to TTC standards, when will we stop pushing this Madison project rock up a hill and use all of the donated funds to buy back the good ole Estonian House and renovate the building and mend our fractured community.
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