The legacy of the Bronze soldier
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Jüri Estam23 Oct 2021 09:03
Laas, I believe you mean the Monument to the Liberators? "Bronze Soldier" is a modern euphemism. A renaming of the thing – the monstrosity – by modern Estonians themselves in Eesti, who are reluctant to name things properly. They do not "name things according to their proper names," as the Estonian saying goes. During all of the years of occupation, this obscene monument - this affront - was called the Liberator Monument. And did they ever "liberate" us good and hard! Orwell would not approve in either case. The supposed "liberation" of Estonia and the other Baltic states was a lie so wicked that it would be difficult to exceed it. To speak of the Bronze Soldier is, on the other hand, to obfuscate or to evade the heart of the issue, which Orwell would also have distinctly disapproved of.
MR. Jones24 Oct 2021 10:42
Jyri, if you are familiar with what Leivat has always written about the "Bronze Soldier", it has, according to him, been a monstrosity, a repugnant affront to Estonians. Leivat has always said the statue was symbolizing not liberation but rather captivity.
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