2023 Craft Show and Guild Café at St. Peter's VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Thank you !15 Nov 2023 07:57
This was the most wonderful event that not only Peetri Kirik but,the entire Estonian community has had in years! Young, older and old shared conversation, music, food, and joy. What could be better? BRAVO to the current "new" Peetri Kirik council for restoring the true spirit of Christmas and in a short period of time, restoring the true spirit of Peetri Kirik! Suur,suur aitah!
Onlooker15 Nov 2023 08:39
Love the comment somebody made, "This is the new Eesti Maja!"
Liina Veer15 Nov 2023 14:42
Wow. Great sense of " community". No longer living in T.O. Looks like I missed a special event.
Tuulepea16 Nov 2023 06:54
This is fantastic. Cant wait for similar type events in the KESKUS main hall. Its going to be so awesome to do this in our community’s new home.
hmmm16 Nov 2023 08:14
"Christmas at Keskus?" - sounds more like an oxymoron, as that has never been a 9 Madison priority.
lugeja16 Nov 2023 13:46
"This was the most wonderful event that not only Peetri Kirik but,the entire Estonian community has had in years!"

I guess this person doesn't get out much if this was the epitome of their Estonian community experience. They have missed a lot of incredible activities and events over the years. But I guess we all have our own interests and preferences guiding what we participate in or not.
Vermsnup16 Nov 2023 17:55
Wow. If it was this big here…imagine the size of events we’ll have at KESKUS. Future is bright indeed!
Onlooker16 Nov 2023 18:54
Sad to say that the Keskus project is being run by a small group of sociopaths that are very adept at manipulating, lobbying and running their own agenda with absolutely no empathy for the health of the community. The damage that has been inflicted will take years to correct, if at all. When this Keskus project fails (and it will), then these same sociopaths will simply state we gave it are best try and walk away. They have no shame in liquidating the Estonian house which represented generations of community activity maintaining the traditions, heritage and cultural aspects of the Estonian diaspora community. A strong community respects diversity of thought, and engages all groups and organizations for the necessary needs of each one. Thank you Keskus for poisoning the well.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Onlooker (08:39)
lugeja17 Nov 2023 11:50
"A strong community respects diversity of thought, and engages all groups and organizations for the necessary needs of each one."

And as a community member you are respecting diversity of thought viz. KESKUS how? And I suppose you missed all the meetings KESKUS had with community groups to determine what their needs were? Sad to see that there is still misinformation out there.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: lugeja (13:46)
Horace17 Nov 2023 09:49
Funny that the present “leadership” is taking credit for all this. They stood on the shoulders of the previous council, the ones who did the real work.
:17 Nov 2023 14:34
Sellel üritusel ei ole midagi tegemist vana juhatusega. Vana juhatus lahkus juba kevadel.
Hei Lugeja17 Nov 2023 12:10
How about some transparency here. Answer the following question. Does Keskus have a Toronto building permit and has the TTC given you the green light to build on top of their tunnels?
Transparency advocate21 Nov 2023 08:34
The old church executive vehemently denied that money from the sale of the church would would support the Keskus. They said that their accusers were lying. Now a close friend of the old executive has openly admitted that any profits would have gone to the Madison bottomless money pot. Is this transparency?
Challenger21 Nov 2023 09:57
This comment is not only irrelevant to the article, but is also a bold-faced lie. The congregation’s bylaws clearly stipulate that the congregation must vote with a 2/3 majority on the distribution of assets upon the congregation dissolving. The Executive does not have the legal power to decide where any funds go. This is the message that the previous Executive consistently gave. Please name the individual who was this “close friend” of the previous Executive who “openly” told the lie you refer to.
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