Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Miks siis Hr. Altosaar ei vòinuks olla arhitekt....?
Vàhemalt firma , kus ta on terve elu tòòtanud. Kurb!
Vàhemalt firma , kus ta on terve elu tòòtanud. Kurb!
I am not aware of any design awards that Mr Altosaar has been awarded. Perhaps someone could provide information here.
Collaboration works: “Early in his career, Tõnu collaborated with internationally renowned architects and leading developers on major multi-use developments that have transformed Toronto’s skyline, including the First Canadian Place, Brookfield Place (formerly BCE Place), and most recently, 16 York”. Why is most of the work on the new "Keskus" underground by all accounts?
Unlike sniping cretins like yourself, Altosaar has the guts to say what he believes publicly. His achievements underscore his credibility. You, conversely, have none.
Hr. Altosaarel on Kanada riigi poolt antud autasu. Tàpsustan kui saan selle autasu nime teada.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (16:41)
Tegelikult Sydney Eesti Maja oli lahti juba 1940ndal aastal.
Nobody cares
Altosaarel on perfektne arusaamine asjast. 'Maja on ilus, aga koht on vale.'
Hr. T. Altosaarel on 11 autasu. Enne làheb Jumala pàike looja kui jòuaksin neid nimetada.
CNBC Arabian Awards Jan.2007
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Best Architectural Disgn for Casino Resort Niagara Falls.
CNBC Arabian Awards Jan.2007
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Best Architectural Disgn for Casino Resort Niagara Falls.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (16:41), Lumpy (07:06)
Kui hr. Altosaar väidab, et maja on “üledimensioneeritud”, siis see kõlab nagu maja arhitekti (Alar Kongatsi) kritiseerimine. Ametivenna ehk oma kolleegi avalik kritiseerimine on ebakohane ja ebaprofessionaalne.
Ei tea kuidas meie ameerika naabrid eestlased kellel on LA Eesti Maja, Chicago Eesti Maja, New Yorgi Eesti Maja ja Lakewoodi Eesti Maja vaatavad meie uue välis-eestlaste Toronto Keskuse peale pealinnana. Eks see on osa sellest globaalsest eestluse programmis. Nüüd hakkavad meie ameerika vennad ja õed pidevalt Keskusele tulema. Ei saa oodata. Oi Oi Oi! Piss tuleb püksi ärevusega!
Mina soovitasin Alar Kongatsi arhitektina algusest peale kui Eesti Maja remondist oli juttu. Ma olen ainult kiitnud tema töid ja ka Keskuse kavandit. Pealtnägija intervjuus ma ei tarvitanud sõna "üledimensioneeritud".
Minu peamine mure oli krundi ebasobivus. Seal ei ole midagi tegemist arhitektiga kes kavandab antud piirides.
Minu peamine mure oli krundi ebasobivus. Seal ei ole midagi tegemist arhitektiga kes kavandab antud piirides.
Who is better qualified than our professionals to speak up for the common good and recognize issues?
E.G. The proposed demolition of the Ontario Science Centre has been strongly condemned by prominent architectural organizations, including the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.
Importantly, the OSC was deliberately situated in Flemingdon Park-Don Mills, away from downtown Toronto, and accessible by highways. Well over 100,000 school children visit each year from around the province. By relocating the OSC to downtown Toronto, where gridlock traffic has become insufferable, those school trips will mostly be available only to Toronto children in the future.
“I am writing to urge you to keep the Ontario Science Centre open and provide world-class scientific programming for Ontario families in its iconic building, designed by the world-renowned Ontario architect, Raymond Moriyama. (Mihkel Bach’s student)
I strongly disagree with the Government of Ontario’s plan to close and tear down the Ontario Science Centre and to relocate it to Ontario Place, with a significant decrease in space. This means the loss of key experiences and programming, and decreased access for Ontarians. Relocating to the Toronto waterfront where traffic is already bumper to bumper, all but guarantees that schools and kids from outside the GTA will not visit.”
Featuring the Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson, author John Ralston Saul, and landscape architect Walter Kehm engaging in conversation moderated by author John Lorinc.
“When Premier Ford announced his legacy Ontario Line transit project in 2019, unilaterally changing the City of Toronto’s Downtown Relief Subway plan (wasting millions of dollars already invested by the TTC), he touted that the Ontario Line would connect two stellar attractions – the Ontario Science Centre and Ontario Place…. Without any explanation, the Ontario Science Centre morphed from a “world-class attraction” into a building that is so in need of repairs that it has to be demolished….”
E.G. The proposed demolition of the Ontario Science Centre has been strongly condemned by prominent architectural organizations, including the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.
Importantly, the OSC was deliberately situated in Flemingdon Park-Don Mills, away from downtown Toronto, and accessible by highways. Well over 100,000 school children visit each year from around the province. By relocating the OSC to downtown Toronto, where gridlock traffic has become insufferable, those school trips will mostly be available only to Toronto children in the future.
“I am writing to urge you to keep the Ontario Science Centre open and provide world-class scientific programming for Ontario families in its iconic building, designed by the world-renowned Ontario architect, Raymond Moriyama. (Mihkel Bach’s student)
I strongly disagree with the Government of Ontario’s plan to close and tear down the Ontario Science Centre and to relocate it to Ontario Place, with a significant decrease in space. This means the loss of key experiences and programming, and decreased access for Ontarians. Relocating to the Toronto waterfront where traffic is already bumper to bumper, all but guarantees that schools and kids from outside the GTA will not visit.”
Featuring the Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson, author John Ralston Saul, and landscape architect Walter Kehm engaging in conversation moderated by author John Lorinc.
“When Premier Ford announced his legacy Ontario Line transit project in 2019, unilaterally changing the City of Toronto’s Downtown Relief Subway plan (wasting millions of dollars already invested by the TTC), he touted that the Ontario Line would connect two stellar attractions – the Ontario Science Centre and Ontario Place…. Without any explanation, the Ontario Science Centre morphed from a “world-class attraction” into a building that is so in need of repairs that it has to be demolished….”
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: omataoliste seas (09:42), Aga kellele (19:55)
ja millal soovitati Alar Kongatsi arhitektina kui Eesti Maja remondist oli juttu? Kongats pidas loengu 2013 aastal Tartu College’is, pealkirjaks oli “Architecture as a Public Sport”. He showed slides of beautiful architectural heritage preservation projects in which he’d been involved, and he described in exquisite detail the nature of that work for his award-winning team. The eye-catching effects and functionality of a second skin or glass veil or “wrapper” over a heritage library building, for example, were stunning and bold, and evocative now of the Allan Lambert Galleria project which is the backdrop photo for Mr. Altosaar’s profile on the Ontario Assn. of Architects website.
Mr. Altosaar would know Alar Kongats would be a brilliant architect for a preservation and redevelopment project for the Estonian House, on a spectacularly suitable ravine property.
But when Alar Kongats was asked in Q & A why he was not involved, Kongats replied that he wasn’t asked.
Please look below at some projects Alar Kongats described in 2013. Get a copy of the lecture from VEMU. And ask if this wasn’t an incredible tragedy.
Mr. Altosaar would know Alar Kongats would be a brilliant architect for a preservation and redevelopment project for the Estonian House, on a spectacularly suitable ravine property.
But when Alar Kongats was asked in Q & A why he was not involved, Kongats replied that he wasn’t asked.
Please look below at some projects Alar Kongats described in 2013. Get a copy of the lecture from VEMU. And ask if this wasn’t an incredible tragedy.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: omataoliste seas (09:42)
maja võib ju olla hea ja koht ebasobiv, aga kes seda paraad-hoonet majandama hakkab? Kas seal jääb ruumi ka eesti -kogukonnale, kui ruumid välja renditakse ja enamus ruumides toimub suur- eesti ajaloo ekspositsioon.
Keskus nagu Putjonkini kùla!!!
Vene tsaar sòitis làbi kùla ja majade fasaadid olid pùsti. Maju polnudki!!!
Milleks tsirkust teha.
Vene tsaar sòitis làbi kùla ja majade fasaadid olid pùsti. Maju polnudki!!!
Milleks tsirkust teha.
lahingulaev Türgi-Vene
Austraalia eestlased on tublid.
Fassaadil selgelt loetav, et Eesti Majaga tegemist.
Fassaadil selgelt loetav, et Eesti Majaga tegemist.
Püha taevas, miks ei rääkinud ajakirjanikud nende heade inimestega, kes vabatahtlikult hoolitsevad selle eest, et meil oleks Torontos eesti kultuur, keel ja pärand?? Need inimesed kõik räägikis, kuidas palgatud projekti juht ja KESKUSe "meeskond" on nende vajadusi täielikult ignoreerinud! Mis mõtet on omada Eesti maja, kui selle sees on null tegemist Eesti tegevusega?
To: "uhke ja hea ?", "Onu Sam", "Grigori Potemkin 1787-92", ja "Pealtvaatja"
Juhuslikult kas teie osalesite või tõite lapsed Toronto Lasteaeda, Täienduskeskkooli, Gümnaasiume, Hellakesete/Gaidide või Hundude/Skaudide koondusedele?
Kas teie laulsid Meeskooris, kuulusite TEPPi või tantsisid Kunglaga?
Juhuslikult kas teie osalesite või tõite lapsed Toronto Lasteaeda, Täienduskeskkooli, Gümnaasiume, Hellakesete/Gaidide või Hundude/Skaudide koondusedele?
Kas teie laulsid Meeskooris, kuulusite TEPPi või tantsisid Kunglaga?
....sellepärast ma muretsengi, muidu oleks ju ükskõik, mis sellest eestlaste paraadist ja paraad - hoonest, eesti ühiskonnast ja - kogukonnast saab.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: uhke ja hea ? (10:27)
Uhkus tuleb enne langemist.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ime uhke Toronto Eestlane (21:15)
kui sul pole midagi head öelda, siis jäta see endale...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ... (12:14), ... (14:55)
To: mida tegid Sina sel ajal kui
It's great that you participated in one of the organizations I listed. These are the backbones of the Estonian community of the past AND going forward. During the heyday of massive Estonian gatherings, most were held away from 954. During business hours 954 was underused. Between Emadepäev and Labour Day there was no activity.
These gatherings (classes) all took place after regular business hours and on weekends at 954 and will continue to do so at the KESKUS.
Our community is still vibrant this new facility will help continue our heritage in Toronto. In effect, Phoneix rising from what was 954 and hopefully, you will join along.
It's great that you participated in one of the organizations I listed. These are the backbones of the Estonian community of the past AND going forward. During the heyday of massive Estonian gatherings, most were held away from 954. During business hours 954 was underused. Between Emadepäev and Labour Day there was no activity.
These gatherings (classes) all took place after regular business hours and on weekends at 954 and will continue to do so at the KESKUS.
Our community is still vibrant this new facility will help continue our heritage in Toronto. In effect, Phoneix rising from what was 954 and hopefully, you will join along.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ... (12:14)
What building was at 954???
Ha-ha... I meant 958
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ... (12:14), ... (14:55), To: Eesti vanasõna (15:00)
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