KESKUS is looking for additional funds from Estonia
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
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Exactly30 May 2024 14:54
"Talk is cheap anyway. Just think if this whole project was your personal property....would you allow it to spiral out of control like this ?"

Should the local and worldwide Estonian community be responsible to cover for this vanity project of a few? Has a pro-forma financial plan and outlook ever been released which would show how this creation can get off the ground, or be sustained financially in the future?
Bastardo30 May 2024 15:34
“Vanity project of a few” eh? Last time I checked this was voted in by a SUPER MAJORITY. Not that you people understand facts or have any real grip on reality. Sorry to burst your bubble there, Tex. Better luck next time.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: McDuck (15:03), Virtuoso (06:51), Notice (06:51), Einstein (14:31), Super majority (19:11), Aristotle (18:52), Vlad (08:06)
Exactly31 May 2024 11:02
Sorry about your life situation Bastardo.

You have missed putting the complete story together.

Prior to joining with the Latvians in the Northern Birch Credit Union (NBCU), the former Estonian Toronto Credit Union (ETCU) literature always proclaimed that its members were the most important part of its business. This should be true for all specific community focused credit unions! 

Unfortunately the ETCU leadership never asked its members their opinions regarding the Madison Avenue/Keskus project/move. Instead that leadership preferred to behave in a communist/autocratic manner providing all of its 3000+ votes for the Keskus side - which of course was very convenient for its leader.

Let us remember, the leader of the former Estonian Toronto Credit Union (ETCU), now also the lead of the NBCU, also happens to be the lead on the 'Madison Avenue/Keskus' project!!

Is that not a major 'conflict of interest'??

So Bastardo, that is how the majority came to be ... the bank leadership is also the Keskus leadership! If individual NBCU members were asked their position about Keskus today, you might find that previous majority would not be attained.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Exactly (14:54)
to: Exactly31 May 2024 14:08
Perhaps you should review the bylaws for how credit unions operate especially the part about moving or changing locations.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to: Northen Estonian (11:16), to: Tv (10:27)
Another to: exactly31 May 2024 14:25
The Keskus vote prevailed, bc the people involved, and the people who support it…well..are all better than you and your kind. GET USED TO IT.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: McDuck (15:03), Virtuoso (06:51), Notice (06:51), Einstein (14:31), Super majority (19:11), Aristotle (18:52), Vlad (08:06), Bastardo (15:34)
Lady of the Lake01 Jun 2024 13:44
"are all better than your kind . . ." Like are you 10 yrs. old or what? Y'all be singing this tune soon enough XD
More info. about Keskus01 Jun 2024 07:26
The Keskus website states : "Estonian House was no longer sustainable financially. It is asset rich but, cash poor." Hmmmmm...
SO NOW...We no longer have our most valuable asset( a jewel of a property) AND , if you hear Ms. Valter & Mr. Parming, we are apparently short MILLIONS of dollars and, AND WE DO NOT HAVE A COMMUNITY CENTRE !!!
I do not put much faith into Ms.Valter saying we need $6 I have done my research. A number of years back, when the glass box property was sitting with no building activity on it, she told the community engagement meeting that they had spent $13 MILLION so far. AGAIN, AT THAT POINT THERE WAS NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP HAPPENING ON THE SITE. So LOGIC , and some phone calls placed to the right departments , would tell me that ALOT more is needed than $6 million.
A rather irresponsible attitude not unlike the attitude many people (myself included )take towards out-of-control government spending. ( Except for ,this is our once-beloved ESTO COMMUNITY !)
And let's remember ALL the years that nothing, zero, zip was going on at the glassbox site, Harbridge & Cross were there with all their inclusive DAILY COSTS that racked up over time add up to millions of dollars.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Doing your own research is key (07:06)
to: Exactly01 Jun 2024 09:53
Perhaps you should review the bylaws for how credit unions operate especially the part about moving or changing locations.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to: Tv (12:35), to: Hey Visionary! (09:05)
How is Glass Box sustainable ?02 Jun 2024 06:14
Despite Ms. Valter's claims of sustainability , this hardly seems possible. Afterall, she asked participants at a Community Engagement Meeting to come up with suggestions for an ELEVATOR...What building whose business plan is income from rental of space, CANNOT ACCOMODATE, a FREIGHT ELEVATOR ??? At a later meeting, she told everyone that there would be a regular elevator. Does NOT bode well for rental income.

But that is only one of many issues that the EXTREMELY FLAWED property has... : NO PARKING, One-way street that exits past a major bike lane onto a busy Bloor St.( try waiting to make that right-hand only turn); a tiny green space across the street that Ms. Valter brags about often but, which in actuality is regularly vandalized; is a dumping ground for trash; and a haven for drug addicts. Security services will be a major cost and major concern.

ALL OF THIS FOR > $50 Million Dollars
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Doing your own research is key (07:06), More info. about Keskus (07:26)
Lady of the Lake02 Jun 2024 09:50
Dear DB! ;)
Sa räägid tõtt. Aitäh. The description of insanity is banging your head against a wall, over-and-over again. We never HAD the money to even contemplate the scope of such a project and here we are, cap in hand, trundling over to Estonia to Tädi Heldela’s farm near Hellenurme, she lives in the ancestral farm, still no hot water tank, the hand pump for fresh water on the side of her kitchen sink (cute little one), the ceiling cove gray with the residue of wood smoke, the two door garaaz- the doorless void stacked impeccably with firewood (pure site art). My Tädi is 98 and still chops all that wood with zeal. What would SHE think of this insanity? Not much.
We are all 1st world AH’s and the punt leading us are all delusional. As for you, ‘McLovin’, ‘Einstein’, ‘McDuck’, ‘Aristotle’, ‘Vlad’, ‘Virtuoso’ . . . words escape me but it begins with an eff. Truth will out!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lady of the Lake (13:44)
To lady02 Jun 2024 17:49
Question: what would tädi helda think of this insanity?

Answer: Nobody cares.
Frank Drebin02 Jun 2024 13:15
As an impartial third party I was asked to conduct a thorough fact check of the present situation. I am pleased to report, that our findings have determined that the EH was indeed a dump and needed to be disposed of. We thank you for engaging our services and trust the results should remove the need for any further debate on this issue.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: McDuck (15:03), Virtuoso (06:51), Notice (06:51), Einstein (14:31), Super majority (19:11), Aristotle (18:52), Vlad (08:06), Bastardo (15:34), Another to: exactly (14:25)
Note the comments and articles02 Jun 2024 15:50
Those who write or comment in support of the Glass Box NEVER address the ISSUES that are put forward with any type of intelligent argument about the ISSUES themselves. They always just make rude remarks or bring everything back to their disdain for the Estonian House. That must be because there really is NO argument that can be made for all the NEGATIVES associated with the pre-determined decision to build on this completely INAPPROPRIATE, RISK- FILLED, EXHORBITANTLY EXPENSIVE, and TOTALLY UNSUSTAINABLE site.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Doing your own research is key (07:06), More info. about Keskus (07:26), How is Glass Box sustainable ? (06:14)
Colonel Klink02 Jun 2024 15:58
Ill take the hole in Madison ave over the old EH any day.. At least the hole has potential.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: McDuck (15:03), Virtuoso (06:51), Notice (06:51), Einstein (14:31), Super majority (19:11), Aristotle (18:52), Vlad (08:06), Bastardo (15:34), Another to: exactly (14:25), Frank Drebin (13:15)
To Klink :02 Jun 2024 21:19
Mr. David Kalm & Ms. Valter (we all know she writes his scripts - the problems start when he goes off script )have said that the "community space" on Madison Ave., will be in the BASEMENT so, I suppose you really will be in the $50 MILLION PLUS "hole" both literally and figuratively.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Doing your own research is key (07:06), More info. about Keskus (07:26), How is Glass Box sustainable ? (06:14), Note the comments and articles (15:50)
All you Naysayers04 Jun 2024 10:18
Einstein, Tv, McDuck, Virtuoso, Northern Esto, Notice, Friend of EH, Visionary, Doing your own research is key, Exactly et al.

What is so wrong about prepared talking points? Those who claim that there is no "business acumen" among the people doing the work at Keskus are you not aware that most business people giving press releases have "talking points"? Those individuals who don't need "talking points" are primarily politicians who have rehearsed and/or given the same BS over and over ad nauseam.

So what if they veer off-topic? Why are you just sitting and waiting to ambush these people?

Don't you have anything better to do?

If some of you would spend some time "doing your own research" regarding EXACTLY what it took to establish the EM at 958 or PK at 817, then there was VA at 383 you would know that there were even more naysayers back then.

Whoever brought up the Indian Space Program you too should have spent some time "doing your own research". How much infrastructure was in place before the launch? To claim the Indian government only spent $60 million to launch, is misinformation. (Can you say Russian collusion?).

Parking?? Is that a complaint or just another case of not "doing your own research"? Which EM in another major metropolitan city in the world provides parking let alone for free? I'm pretty sure NYC or London does not. Sure Chicago does... but had you been "doing your own research" you would know it is not near the downtown core of Chicago.

In the era of minimizing our carbon footprint and greenhouse gases, you are still complaining about driving to drop off children for activities? I guess by "doing your own research" you would have known how the Estonian DP families got to 383, 817, or 958 without personal cars. How do you think Estonians were able to attend functions at NYC EM?

TTC Vibrations after how many years of attending functions at TC and it NOW has become an issue. Yet another example of not "doing your own research"! Are you expecting the same privaatsus ja vaikus as at Tädi Heldela’s farm near Hellenurme? That's what JK, KJ, and Seedrioru offer. It would seem that the naysayer Tv hasn't visited those locales where many volunteers work.

EXACTLY are you "doing your own research" regarding those loans? Please post your research.
Lady of the Lake04 Jun 2024 12:05
Riffing on SPACE programs . . . what we learn from all the animated discourse post this article, really highlights: A Failure to Launch a relevant User Program for Estonian Activities at this centre. Am still choking on the news: “No Elevator was planned”, now no freight elevator and any “left over space” in the basement will serve as the “Community Room…our lapsukesed in the dank??? We are all so SUPER EXCITED to witness this SUPER POTENTIALLY FANTASTICAL PROJECT come to light. I care deeply about Tädi Heldela and Estonia-Estonians. They have no cashola donations for this folly in Toronto ('implied' but I guess that went over your head) but go ahead, ask those BitCoin dudes, oh wait . . . they are going to Jail. This Emperor Clothes Project, so shiny and new, so important to showcase our Culture is nothing but a PANK. Muney don’t buy Love.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lady of the Lake (13:44), Lady of the Lake (09:50)
to: Lady of the Lake04 Jun 2024 13:38
Great reply. However where is the elevator issue coming from? Could you please post your source for this information?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to: Northen Estonian (11:16), to: Tv (10:27), to: Exactly (14:08)
Lady in ‘red’05 Jun 2024 06:18
These people dont waste their time on actually collecting and referencing facts. They instead leverage tactics and methods more familiar to the russkie propaganda machine. That should tell you all you need to know about their values and loyalties. Tàdi Helga would be ashamed.
Glass box Vibration & Noise05 Jun 2024 16:49
Again, as usual, GlassBox supporters invent rebuttles that totally bypass the POINT! Probably because a decent argument against the actual point could never be made by them.
No one could ever justify to the shareholders of EM, or to anyone else, that the out-of-control budget of the Glass Box swelled enormously because the Project Lead could not have imagined, and then had to agree to, risk-filled terms, put forth by the Toronto Transit Commission, that involved engineering the most expensive form of vibration and noise control (which has been proven previously not to work ) while also protecting TTC infrastructure. These facts were initially deliberately hidden from the community because the fear was: who would support a project that involved this massive additional cost in terms of both money and time? NO ONE ELSE, over all these decades , EVER WANTED TO BUILD ON # 9 MADISON because they were smart not stupid. They could all figure out that it was a bottomless MONEY PIT and this project is just in the infancy of proving it.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Doing your own research is key (07:06), More info. about Keskus (07:26), How is Glass Box sustainable ? (06:14), Note the comments and articles (15:50), To Klink : (21:19)
Scarlet O'Hara06 Jun 2024 08:34
“Could you please post your source for this information?”
Oh thaaat, it’s from Research-guy up a few squares who actually went to the elevator mtg.
(or so we are led to believe)
and what diff would it make now? Too late. As Churchill once mused:
“It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. But if you really want an accounting, go find Ms.T,
she’s good at this, she set us all straight what happened at St. Pete’s (where the only sane people in the community dwell right now) There WILL be an accounting of what happened to our amazing Seltskond in Toronto Canada, Perhaps it will be a Doc and win a prize at TIFF. In the meantime, hold fast, we are all witness to a train wreck. This IS the stuff of a John Grisham novel and a solution always presents itself. “Fiddle-dee-dee, tomorrow’s another day!”
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lady of the Lake (13:44), Lady of the Lake (09:50), Lady of the Lake (12:05)
To silly little Scarlett06 Jun 2024 08:43
“St Pete..where all the sane people or our community dwell”. Now THAT is hilarious! Good one sweetheart!!
to:Glass box Vibration & Noise06 Jun 2024 16:13
Could, please explain what you see as the "POINT"?
to:Glass box Vibration & Noise08 Jun 2024 16:28
Could, please explain what you see as the "POINT"?

48 hours and no response. WHY?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to:Glass box Vibration & Noise (16:13)
Lady of the Lake08 Jun 2024 17:01
Could, please explain what you see as the "POINT"?

48 hours and no response. WHY?

Dear "Matsi Rahvas"
I don’t presume to speak for them
but clearly we have an intellectual schism within the tribe.Some worship a golden God and others . . . are in the ancient forest.
An edifice over shakey foundations?
It’s a no brainer.
I ask, Why are we being held hostage by a divorced couple? Nepotism? Wake Up Toronto!!!!
to: Glass Box & Scarlett09 Jun 2024 08:32
Why won't the Glass Box person respond to "please explain what you see as the "POINT"?"

Who is "Ms. T" and which couple is this referring to? "I ask, Why are we being held hostage by a divorced couple? Nepotism? Wake Up Toronto!!!!"
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to:Glass box Vibration & Noise (16:13), to:Glass box Vibration & Noise (16:28)
The Saga Continues...12 Jun 2024 13:15
Einstein, Tv, McDuck, Virtuoso, Northern Esto, Notice, Friend of EH, Visionary, Doing your own research is key, Exactly et al.

whatever your nom de guerre is today, why do you request answers when you don't or won't?

Close to a week has gone by why won't you answer this simple question?

Why won't the Glass Box person respond to "please explain what you see as the "POINT"?"

Scarlett person Who is "Ms. T" and which couple is this referring to? "I ask, Why are we being held hostage by a divorced couple? Nepotism? Wake Up Toronto!!!!"
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to:Glass box Vibration & Noise (16:13), to:Glass box Vibration & Noise (16:28), to: Glass Box & Scarlett (08:32)
Damage assessment09 Jun 2024 13:04
How do you measure the damage inflicted upon the Toronto Estonian community by the sale of the Estonian House at 958 Broadview Avenue and the quixotic Keskus project slated to be built on Madison Avenue beside Tartu College. Aside from the splitting of the community with regards to the Keskus project and the anger and frustration it has generated here are some significant losses the Estonian community has to live with. First and foremost we have lost a meeting place for community members to hold birthdays, wakes, weddings, confirmation parties and simply get-togethers with more than ample parking. We have lost a permanent stage, a shooting gallery, an Estonian artifacts store, an art gallery and Estonian school classrooms. Scout and guide troops now have to utilize Estonian church grounds to conduct their meetings. This Keskus project is promoted and touted as the new age Estonian international business centre. So basically the losses sustained by the community members and groups are of no importance or significance to the bankers and business gurus to conduct their Estonian business at this plus $50 million Keskus global flagship endeavour. This raises a rather pertinent question. Would we have been able to divert these losses by investing $5-10 million in upgrading the Estonian House at 958 Broadview Avenue instead of the Keskus project?
Forte09 Jun 2024 14:54
Your petulent sense of entitlement is irritating. Things worth doing take effort. EH was dump, to put it mildly. A few years of hardship will be well worth it once the marvel that is keskus opens. Resign yourself to the fact that it will be done. Second guessing the will of the community now is childish and unproductive. And if your dont like the direction things are going, you can always leave.
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