"Doors Open Toronto" at St. Peter's
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
???16 May 2024 11:41
Salvation Army, Korean church. Where is the Estonian service?
!!!!16 May 2024 12:40
The Estonian service will probably be held at the hole in the ground on Madison Avenue.
...16 May 2024 13:20
Estonians are probably at their family cottages
Told you so17 May 2024 06:53
So much for a ‘vibrant’ congregation. Cracks already starting to appear in the efforts of the present (unelected) council’s efforts. Or could it be they are just out of their depth..hmmmm
Õ20 May 2024 17:46
You keep bringing up the unelected council. AFAIK, most if not all esto orgs have unelected boards, definitely EKN, NBCU, Sihtkapital and many others. There has seldom been any outside candidates beside board recommendations and all current boards are therefore 'elected' by acclamation and are no different from current Peetri kirik board.
Pirtsakas20 May 2024 18:53
Calling them unelected is being polite. It was more like a coup.
To told you so17 May 2024 07:54
The previous council, who knew so much, let the church slide. After all, they had to maintain tradition at all cost. Participating in Open Doors and opening up the church to the wider community is an amazing step. If only the Estonians who want to sell the church could see that their building is a treasure, the heart of their community worship, it will indeed become a vibrant place! It takes new ideas and a new vision- why are you part of the problem? Help your church community by being united in brotherly love!
Where is EKN?17 May 2024 08:12
EKN should be supporting our community achievements- will they be promoting the Open Doors? It would be nice to see them value all the efforts of our community groups, even if they don’t always agree with them. How can you support Ukraine when your own house is divided?
Fergie17 May 2024 10:19
Blah blah blah..more useless noise from our fringe know it alls/do nothings. They’re great at criticizing but have themselves never lifted a finger. Pathetic.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Told you so (06:53)
Supermajority TO estos19 May 2024 08:14
EKN supports worthy causes i.e. Ukraine’s fight for freedom. Propping up the unelected mob running SP into the ground is not one of them.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Told you so (06:53), Fergie (10:19)
Ooof!19 May 2024 17:45
The current leadership of EKN is unelected.
Dear Õ20 May 2024 21:01
Don’t you remember when the esto paper listed biographies of candidates for EKN, and they were voted in? A lot of interesting people were in EKN then and many ideas were discussed. I guess that’s wrong now - only the leader selects rhe candidates. But are the lunches free, along with the trips? Who is paying?
Hey Fergie!20 May 2024 21:04
Rudeness is the weak man’s strength. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!:-)
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Dear Õ (21:01)
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