Toronto Eesti Maja aktsionäride koosoleku teade
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
There is no Eesti Maja12 Jun 2024 21:32
The Toronto Eesti Maja does not exist . The property at 958 Broadview, which is far superior to 9 Madison and an absolute grand piece of land over-looking the Don Valley , was sold for a joke low price under the phony argument that it was unsustainable, and it did not have a reserve fund. Who sells a paid off asset ? The so-called "shareholders" were robbed of any power, since the time, that the Estonian Credit Union in order to gain voting influence, began hoarding shares from those who trusted them. The shareholders now exist in name only. Perhaps they will be made use of, when they are left to pay off the day by day mounting debt acquired by the community, as the vanity project, now desperate to appear legitimate, so its leaders can save face, bleeds more and more money. If you really only need a mere $6 million, to complete the project, then why is your dedicated goal to sell St. Peter's Church & Columbarium which is valued at $20 million ?
A better shareholder13 Jun 2024 10:06
Pathetic. When are you people going to stop being such babies. There was legally sanctioned vote, your side lost. 7 years on and you’re still crying over it with the same old tired argument. Time to get a new hobby and move on.
Embarrassed13 Jun 2024 10:49
98% of the community voted for a redevelopment at Broadview. - Leadership failed.

66% of the community voted for DUE DILLIGENCE for a $18 million dollar Madison project which would be SELF-SUSTAINABLE. - A divisive compromise... yet leadership failed.

0% of the community voted for a $25 million dollar project. (PRE=pandemic adjustment by the way)

0% of the community asked for a $40+ million dollar "business incubator". (Which sounds dodgier than a crypto farm BTW)

66% voted for DUE DILLIGENCE. Those entrusted with the due diligence should never be allowed near a financial statement again.
at the meeting13 Jun 2024 21:20
With continually increasing costs creating sustainability concerns, will the financial expert be presenting a review and outlook based on future escalating costs, and anticipated revenue streams?
to:at the meeting16 Jun 2024 15:50
Perhaps you can get the poster who hasn't answer what their "point" regarding the Keskus is?

Then of course there is that pesky "elevator" concern.

maybe even address who the divorced couple that is running the show?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to:Northern Esto (07:04)
reminiscing . . .13 Jun 2024 19:51
ESTONIAN HOUSE, Eesti Maja. Always has a powerful ring to it. One could find THIS kind of house all around the Globe; Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton, Vancouver, New York, Chicago, LA, Sydney, Hong Kong, Berlin, Paris, London, Stockholm. For a very small tribe, we sure got around/went places. At least 2 Estonians in every port. (E.H.) Ah the good ol’ days. Now all we have is the potentially very big hole to p*** in. Good Job “visionaries”. Bah! Humbug.
Singh for PM14 Jun 2024 07:03
Simple peasant. This is why you need to be led by folks with vision, commitment, intelligence, and fortitude. You and your kind lack the ability to see more than 3 feet in front of you, 5 minutes into the future. For the vast majority who continue to support this, we get it. Hopefully one day you will too. Peace.
Northern Esto14 Jun 2024 05:23
The KESKUS cult should have offered to buy out those of us who own shares and want nothing to do with their hole in the ground. I suppose that my share will be worth nothing when they declare bankruptcy.
to:Northern Esto14 Jun 2024 07:04
How much would you have received if a buy-back offer was made? I'm asking because my parents or grandparents didn't purchase any. They were satisfied with being members of the CU, which owned shares.
to: Northern Esto16 Jun 2024 13:23
You would rather pay the CRA 50% for whatever Capital Gains your parents investment from decades ago because of a decision against your wishes?

Isn’t this an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face?
still reminiscing . . .15 Jun 2024 17:18
To “Singh for PM”

“This is why you need to be led.”
(forgive me Toronto Eesti selts, am showboating, like shooting fish in a barrel)
“Need to be led
by folks with vision,
and fortitude"
I think YOU personally, as my parents used to say, are “oh-hoh-hooo”= nupp ei ole korras.
MANY before me, with me, have articulated the shortcomings of this concept, process and blatant subterfuge which has destroyed a vibrant SANE community.
A proud tribe who has endured 1000 years of historical serfdom
and now this vision,
this site
no freight elevator
no zoning research for the MonkHouse
no sunny space fr the youngins . . .
basically only a Bank
IF there IS this unwavering backlash, it is to shine a spotlight that SO much MONEY is in play and desperation breeds insanity.
Unclear thinking.
Be sure Hr. Postimees in E-Land is watching.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: reminiscing . . . (19:51)
Willy Wonka16 Jun 2024 13:49
This type of incoherent, unintelligible rant is exactly why one should not take mushrooms.
Stop the charade18 Jun 2024 10:23
Why are you still using the Toronto Eesti Maja moniker for the Keskus fiasco? The Keskus has nothing to do with the original Toronto Eesti Maja. The original Eesti Maja acquired in April 1960 at 958 Broadview Avenue was the focal point and central hub serving the Toronto Estonian diaspora community, not Tartu College built in 1970, which was a university student resident which housed many Estonian fraternity and sorority functions. This new Keskus project is not built for the sustaining of the Toronto Estonian community, but instead to establish an Estonian Business Centre to further promote Estonian business ventures on a global basis. Why hasn't the City of Toronto issued a building permit for any above grade construction?
to: Stop the charade18 Jun 2024 12:39
Please provide proof of "Why hasn't the City of Toronto issued a building permit for any above grade construction?"

Maybe you could influence people to name the divorced couple mentioned in a previous article.

While you're at it could you ask the poster from the same article what "point" is being referenced?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: to:Northern Esto (07:04), to:at the meeting (15:50)
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