Pier 21 and the Little Estonian Ship of Freedom
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Anonymous26 Jun 2004 05:29
Many thanks for this interesting story!
Maimu Mölder30 Jun 2004 09:58
Ise tahaksin teada rohkem Walnut'ist, kuna minu onu August Kalbus tuli ka selle pisikese laevaga Kanadasse. Teine Kalbuse nimeline vist oli üks sõidu korraldajatest, aga ma ei tea kas ta meile sugulane oli.

Torsten Hagnéus14 Aug 2004 13:17
Where among Estonians in Canada should I ask to find out what happened to the two ships. I am trying to find out the whereabouts of war-built British escort trawlers, and these two ships were of this type.
John (Jaan) Soosaar17 Aug 2004 11:26
I worked on the display at Pier 21 and have some contacts for this story. As to the whereabouts of the Walnut, I think like many of these old vessels it was probably scrapped in the years after the war. The only remaining corvette is now on display in Halifax. I'm sure someone at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic may be able to help you.
Jaan Soosaar16 Aug 2004 12:35
The article on the Walnut is interesting and I can shed some light on how the display was conceived. I was working as a producer for CBC Newsworld when a friend got the contract to prepare a documentary on Pier 21. In her research she discovered the story of the Walnut and an Estonian man who sailed to Canada aboard the ship. he kept a detailed diary of his voyage. My friend got book and I translated sections of it. The decision was made to do a separate display on the Walnut and I read the translation and did the English language commentary. It's a popular display and I've had many positive comments on it. My family came to canada in 1949, but through Quebec City instead of Halifax although we settled in Nova Scotia. Pier 21 remains a popular attraction on the Halifax waterfront, particularly for the thousands who came through the terminal in the years after the war.
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