Leader: A tougher line on Russia
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Mihhail Voronov.02 Oct 2004 13:05
The author is obviously not in touch with the realities of policy making re EU v's Russia. There is one hell of a lot of hot air spent on wording the conditions regarding relationships with Russia...yet, when comes crunch time, Russia has won considerable concessions from the EU. There is little reason to believe this situation will change in the future, unless there is a noticeable harmonising of the language and actions regarding expectations of Russia. Now such expectations exist at present from what I can see, and Russia has a damn sight more clout than the present author gives our neighbor credit for.
Kurat võtaks02 Oct 2004 17:59
Your remarks are true. Russia has and will continue to extract concessions from the EU. The source of its power? A huge population hopelessly mired in poverty under corrupt government, police and competing gangs of organized criminals. If the EU fails to give the Russian government more money and concessions, Europe can be flooded with desperate refugees.
Europeans must continue to sign the cheques and make the concessions. They should also fall upon their knees and pray to the Lord that democracy can come to Russia so that the ordinary Russian can enjoy some liberty and prosperity.
how cheap can life get?04 Oct 2004 15:29
So Putin was annoyed by the EU's concern at the vile catastrophe that took place in Beslan. Indeed, he should be. He may know that the weapons used were purchased with samogon from Russian troops stationed in Chechnia. He may know that the weapons passed Russian police checkpoints with 10 ruble bribes, that's 44 cents in Canadian money. He doesn't care to remedy the matter. Instead, he moves to centralize authority.
tt05 Oct 2004 07:02
EU is foremost an economic union, and as such is most interested in keeping links to Russia open so that raw materials and oil can flow at attractive prices. So is the future EU relationship with Russia going to mirror the American oil relationships with countries in the middle east - money and military support flows to oligarchs so that
steady flows of product is guaranteed . . . damn the local populations' conditions ?
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