Of more numbers
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
tütar16 Oct 2004 13:37
Jällegi sa oskasid ilusasti asju perspektiivi panna.
Olen üks nendest kelle vanemad / vanavanemad sisaldasid sügavat rahvustunnet ja kohustusetunnet Eestluse ja Eesti keele säilitamiseks siin Kanadas. Isegi minu lapsed (2 gen. siin sündinud) räägivad / kirjutavad ja loevad korralikult Eesti keelt ja osalevad ühiskonna tegevustes - AGA meiegi ei käinud aktus(t)el. Mõtlesime südames nende koledate aegade peale ja lugesime hoolega mida lehes kirjutati. Me pole halvemad Eestlased selle tõttu, et me aktusel ei käinud.
Need kes nurisevad ja süüdistavad nooremaid generatsioone mitte hoolimast, tekitavad ise suurimaid probleeme. Nad ajavad noori eemale. Miks keegi tahaks sinna minna, kus vanurid neid vahivad ja kritiseerivad?
Jälle - see ei tähenda sugugi et meie ei hooli ja meie EI ole unustanud.
not surprised17 Oct 2004 09:29
Peeter Busch,

Time for a reality check!

The senior you mentioned in your article was voicing his opinion, a right that everyone has in this country the last time I checked. You didn't have to listen nor did you have to pay his words any heed. All you article does is fan the flames of people staying away from functions.

Perhaps you should step up and become part of the leadership instead of sitting back and "arm chair quaterbacking". (the same for your admirer) Have you offered your assistance at the Consulate. Have you donated time (or money to any Estonian organization). There a numerous way to help financially (and still get a tax receipt all you have to do is ask).

Your more than welcome to "come back" to your roots, but it's preferred you follow the old adage (if you don't have anything good to say .... don't say anything).

You made a choice NOT to teach your children Estonian (actually more your wife's from what I recall from your previous ramblings you the Latvian that doesn't like Estonian singing, by the way how different is Latvian singing from Estonian IF you don't understand either language????) unless of course you're regretting that decision .... it's never to late to reconsider.

If you don't like being chided for your decisions, hang out with a different crowd no-ones forcing you to go to church or aktus ... right?
Surprised & curious17 Oct 2004 09:41
How is it that you write in such ingrammatical English?
tütar20 Oct 2004 10:29
This "admirer" is EXTREMELY active in leadership in the Esto community, as is the rest of her family!!
That's why I don't feel guilty not attending ALL aktused!
Mihhail Voronov.17 Oct 2004 13:39
In one sense it was admirable that the first generation of Canadian-Estonians had pretty harsh parents who put a high priority on speaking Estonian considerably better than the present one; but on the other hand in hindsight, the younger generation did wilfully refuse to make the Estonian language a priority for themselves....except for a group of Estonians who increasingly looked to their homeland for inspiration and were clipped over the ear for being communist! Anyway that's history...and it seems that where the aspirations of older generations of Estonians hoping their children would carry on the old traditions has all but exhausted itself as an idea, there are many others of non-Estonian background pooling their time and energy right here where it counts....building a better Estonia.
tt20 Oct 2004 07:06
Does EE not have access to more
important news about Estonia with which it could enlighten its Canadian Estonian readership, rather than including the shallow, bitter ramblings of PB.
He appears to have made some choices earlier in his life with which he is now unhappy.
As per MV, I would much prefer to read about people who are attempting to build a better Estonia.
poeg20 Oct 2004 19:07

Hey Peeter and your admirer, ever heard of "turn the other cheek" or freedom of speech? Heck your parents and mine (not to mention the senior you refer to) probably got worse when they came to this country. Grow up and take the comments.
poeg20 Oct 2004 19:07

Hey Peeter and your admirer, ever heard of "turn the other cheek" or freedom of speech? Heck your parents and mine (not to mention the senior you refer to) probably got worse when they came to this country. Grow up and take the comments.
interneti poeg21 Oct 2004 10:41
It would seem that there aren't enough interesting articles submitted to EE, or does the editorial staff really think that the constant "dronings on" of an individual who wishes to rejoin the community he once decided to distanced himself from ..... but on HIS terms, are articles the readers wish to read.

Articles like the ones that Lia Hess wrote are thought provoking and in my opinion, constructive to the continued existance to a once vibrant active community. There are some very hard decisions to make, but that's for another thread.

Hr. Busch's (that's how it's spelt in the Seedrioru 25th commemerative album .... yes my family has a few copies) also is thought provoking but with a different result ... some of the readers agree "we stay away because nothing has changed and now it's confirmed".

The previous comments are correct, everyone has their opinion and has a right to express it, you don't have to like it nor do you have to repeat it.

I've read some of the previous responses to your articles Hr. Busch someone once asked (and I haven't seen a reply, my apoligies if you have), but have you offered your assistance to the Consulate in Ottawa? Do you volunteer at any of the functions that held there or at the Latvian Consulate? Are you active in any of the numerous Estonian Latvian organizations?

If all you do is complain, what's the difference between you and that other senior citizen you mentioned in your article ...... (he at least was active in the community .....)
Peep24 Oct 2004 13:16
Peeter, you quote 3% deported. I don't know what research you have done but the web site, www.okupatsioon.ee , claims "kokku küüditati ja arreteerriti kahe Nõukogude okupatsiooni vältel umbes 100,000 inimest ". I would like to know how you get 3% ? Certainly the Estonian population wasn't 3 Million plus ! You also claim that half were deported in 1941. The same source claims about 10 % or 10,000 deported in 1941. I certainly believe the web site rather than your unsourced numbers. You seem to try to minimize the numbers for some unknown reason(s) . I also hold my elders in high esteem. They are a source of knowledge and experience .
interneti poeg25 Oct 2004 07:46

Peter is this another example of "egregious" writing?
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