Bush wins
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
interneti poeg05 Nov 2004 10:42
IMHO it wasn't so much for Bush to win as it was for Kerry to lose and unfortunately Kerry didn't disappoint. No there isn't any "skull-duggerry" as the Communist sympathizer / conspiracy theorist "Maksim" would have you believe, it was the American people who voted in Bush (W not Peter).

Have a read at the following items.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/64... 14892/site/newsweek/

http://www.aspen dailynews.com/Search_Articles/view_searc h_article.cfm?OrderNumber=9156

http:/ /www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2004/11 /05/iowacalled041105.html

http://www. washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2783 3-2004Nov5.html

Without the success of the USA where would Canada be today???? Speaking French or Russian (thanks to the success of that "great" Canadian P.E.T. only part of the country and the GTA speak those languages).

And to answer your question about why Canada doesn't have any Senators or Electroral votes .... most of these ex-pats don't pay US taxes .... go figure why they don't get representation.
Maksim.05 Nov 2004 11:51
Internetipoeg has really got it in for me, hasn't he-where on earth can he find living proof that I'm a Communist??? This guy's just so far off the mark it isn't funny! I'm totally amazed that he disbelieves in so-called conspiracy theories. How on earth and for what God-forsaken reasons did George Soros recently bomb the US stock market in an all-out effort to dislodge the relatively firm financial footing that the Bush camp held? If he really thinks that the only trends in politics that are worthy of note are the visible ones, and not the ones taking place beyond the realm of our eyes and ears, then he's far more naive than I first gave him granted for. Wake up boy and look at ALL the facts and figures squarely in the eye...and quit repeating the crap like I'm some sort of Communist...Your comfy armchair comments won't get you far at all.....get off your butt and get over here and do something useful for your motherland!
Curious06 Nov 2004 08:09
How can we look at all of the facts and figures if, as you say, some of them are beyond the realm of our eyes and ears?
internetipoeg05 Nov 2004 11:56
Ema keel ja Isamaa

Not mother-land as in "mother Russia"

(I guess you get lost in the translation)
interneti poeg05 Nov 2004 12:23

I forgot to add that you remind me of the saying

If it walks like duck and quacks like a (Daffy) duck ...... (like Regan used to say) Well ......
not Maksim05 Nov 2004 12:30
Hey Maksim you're as funny as Mr. P. Bush and just as current too!

As to comments about Soros "bombing" the US markets .... just how effective has that action been?

Also I believe IP called you a "Communist sympathizer". Again you must have lost sumding in da traanslation.
Maxim.05 Nov 2004 13:34
Are bigger wankers than I thought they are.....especially the ones that appear here. Anyway, knowing that your kind of Canadian-Estonian censorship is not dissimilar to the kind once used in former Communist countries, it's not likely that any of us will be able to write what we think more on this subject..because this space is not to be for much longer..like other places before it. So go read some 70's time warp classics..'cause a number of you Estonians out there are about as far removed from things Estonian, that that time should make you feel really at home. A Bush win is probably the best thing for all you guys, especially you, Internetipoeg....and your left-wing leanings in favour of the Democrats are excused and accepted for what they are, while others are conveniently blasted as Communist sympathisers....again I say..wake up and stare at the facts!
Anonymous06 Nov 2004 10:28
Referring to some of us as "wankers" is gratuitous and rude, and the ranting tone of your ungrammatical commentary makes you appear ignorant and, consequently, not to be taken seriously.
Your message would get a better hearing if you expressed yourself in a more neutral tone and conventional language.
internetipoeg05 Nov 2004 14:26

Your response sounded more like

quack quack quack
quack quack quack


Again your perception is incorrect
I voted Republican, just like I have every year since 1980.
Esperanto06 Nov 2004 07:55
Keerake teist külge ja magage endid välja...mis te siin lollitate üksteist!
Anonymous06 Nov 2004 08:31
...tõepoolest see on inetu vaadata.
politico-phobe06 Nov 2004 08:27
The Roman Catholic Church has a policy of refusing to comment on particular political parties or candidates. Instead, it comments on moral issues in the politcal arena (abortion, same sex marriage and the like). It may sound like one and the same thing until you remind yourself that political agendas are always in flux (cf. Kerry's multi-mindedness on most issues). Church teaching is by comparison constant.
chameleon08 Nov 2004 09:01
From previous loggings, he appears to be better read than most. Interneti poeg needs to read more than american mass media approved staples. Political front page news should be analyzed in context with world economics .... i.e in whose advantage is the decline of the US $, who really owns the American Federal Reserve, where is the money from Iraqi oil sales going .... etc.
interneti poeg08 Nov 2004 10:06

Since I'm lacking in research sources, perhaps you could help me and explain who does own the US Fed? To make things easier could I ask that provide your sources?
to interneti poeg08 Nov 2004 10:25
American Federal Reserve creation was founded by several key European Banking families . . . agreed to and signed into law as a presidential decree by President Woodrow Wilson on Dec 23, 1913 - payback by Wilson for the support provided by these families for his election win.
It is always interesting to look at American Presidential decrees ... minimum input from either senate or congress . . . another intersting one is the November 1933 official US (Roosevelt) recognitionj of the Soviet Union, just as the time of the Ukranian famine /holocasust. of
further to interneti poeg08 Nov 2004 10:37
Internet: try google search using some of these key words "federal reserve 1913 wilson warburg kuhn rothschild"
Best book: Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Anthony Sutton ... professor at Stanford.
He also wrote books on who financed the Bolsheviks and Nazis . . .
You read these books ... and you'll start to understand some of the skeptisism that is in the world regarding any election ...
I told you so08 Nov 2004 11:22
Yep I knew it a conspricay behind every rock??? you's guys are whack
Maxim.08 Nov 2004 13:24
Pity Canadians have moved so far up the Multicultural/Politically correct candlestick...you can't talk about anything in your country anymore without getting flack! However, here in Eesti it's possible to get a far wider range of opinion on things, and you don't run the risk of going to prison for it like you do in so many places in the world these days. I trust that Interneti poeg is right up there with EXACTLY what's going down politically, and he has genuinely discarded opinions in the light of the fact they don't add up....otherwise it seems to me, life under your place in the sun makes for one hell of a boring intellectual landscape if every alternate way of looking at things gets knocked on the head....but admittedly you must be used to that by now in a Multiculturally and Politically correct wonderland like Canada.
interneti poeg08 Nov 2004 13:50
Chameleon and Maksim,

Seems you'll believe anything that "smells" of conspiracy .... long live the Illuminati!!! Just because I don't agree doesn't mean I can't read (my parents taught me how to make decisions for myself, who taught you? Lydon LaRouche?)

You guys are perfect examples of why it is important to wear helmets when playing shinny.

Like the poster before stated

Maksim.09 Nov 2004 05:50
OK; Congratulations Interneti poeg.....if we measured the level of anger coming through in our respective correspondence, then you win hands down! Sorry you got so upset over what I wrote, but I still don't get the drift of YOUR thinking. Who then are YOU???
chameleon08 Nov 2004 14:09
if you want credibility . . .you need to explain how things happened,
not just throw fluff and bluster.
Please explain what happened in the US election of 1912.
Told you so08 Nov 2004 14:54
I really don't think too many of the voters from that time care about a recount at this time.
interneti poeg09 Nov 2004 06:51

Once again your ability for "reading between the lines" has failed you. Everytime I read your postings I bust a gut.

I don't get upset over your postings, if anything you and chameleon are more of an embarrassment to Estonians everywhere. Why hide behind claims of conspriacy .... some people use it to explain their personal shortcomings/failures. I've yet to hear successful people use conspriacies as an excuse for failures .... you may be the first.

Soros acted for personal gain (not to mention ego) no other reason.

The French, German and Russians didn't back the USA because of the Billions of dollars they would loose if the UN backed Iraqi "Oil for Aid" program ended.

And for the devaluation of the US dollar .... ever think that this might be a way for the Americans to make their products more financially competitive in the marketplace ..... no that would be too simple a concept to follow.

As for who I am .... well I'm neo-conservative North American of Estonian decent who speaks the "mother tongue" and visits the "father land" on a regular basis.
to interneti poeg09 Nov 2004 09:28
But you are starting to sound a little confused . . . " Why hide behind claims of conspriacy .... some people use it to explain their personal shortcomings/failures. I've yet to hear successful people use conspriacies as an excuse for failures .... you may be the first."
Aren't we talking about world events ... not personal achievements ???

FYI .... I am certain that these comments will be discounted by you ...

"The world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not themselves behind the scenes."
- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
- Woodrow Wilson, 1913

"In politics nothing is accidental. If something happens, be assured it was planned this way."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

"It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true."
- Henry Kissinger
Maksim.10 Nov 2004 10:16
I find it quite incredible how the well-meaning people of North America have allowed themselves to believe such naieveties as they do....the Internetipoja posting above yours is a typical example. Couldn't it just be that.....????Meanwhile, the people with all the power (Greenspan, Kissinger, Club of Rome and countless other questionable organisations..including the one TH Ilves recently gained admission..)don't need to think up any strategies whatsoever to carry out their plans....because the world is full of so many useless shortsighted rightwing fellow-travellers-they can't see anything differently to the way the thugs of this world are running the globe!! When all else fails....come and live in Eesti..sadly, one "Internetipoeg's" Fatherland is obviously having minimal impact on his way of thinking...otherwise we'd have much more in common.
to Maxim10 Nov 2004 12:24
You've often mentioned the importance of moving to Estonia, usually, within the context of a childish spat with other readers.

You could do many readers a huge service by abandoning your polemics and composing a sober article for Eesti Elu describing your experience. What motivated you to move? What did you expect and what did you actually find there?

Personally, I've enjoyed visiting Estonia very much. I've contemplated moving there upon retirement. Yet, I'm reticent because the tourist's experience differs from the resident's. I suspect that there are many that share my sentiments. We would read an account of your experience with interest. In other words, I'm inviting you to put your abilities to a better use.
Maxim.10 Nov 2004 12:39
It's too difficult a task to persuade someone to move to Estonia on the basis of another person's experience. I was so moved by the pace of life and the generally higher level of articulation of most individuals, along with a sense of a need to keep life vibrant and moving, in spite of all the other problems associated with living in Estonia. Don't go looking for support in moving here...most people would find it difficult to comprehend the need to forsake Western lifestyle qualities...but if you genuinely see a niche here, then run with it! Because the place is filling up fast with people who see great potential within Estonia. If you've got the vision, it's probably the right one.....
Peep09 Nov 2004 09:43
the h..l cares about the elections of 1912 !!! or 19XX , etc. The last time I looked at the calender it is the year 2005. This is not a trivial question(s) game. By the way the answer is NOTHING. There were no elections at the Federal level in 1912 . Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
interneti poeg09 Nov 2004 10:33
to whomever the "nice to be perfect" poster, NO I am NOT discounting them. You may read into them what ever seems to suit you. (you do that already)

As for the issue about the 1912 election that supposidely Wilson "stole" check your facts!! Teddy Roosevelt split the Republican vote (with his "Bull Moose Party") and actually out polled the "official" Republican candidate Taft (27% versus 23%) while Wilson received LESS THAN 42% of the vote (the other large vote getter was Eugene Debs of the Socialist party with around 6% of the votes).

And Peep yes there was a Presidential Election in 1912 (mandated by US Federal law an election is held every 4 years of and before someone else brings it up there are few more days left in 2004).

As for continuing this particular thread, please consider me wrong as I'm not posting again.
dp child10 Nov 2004 14:25

How long have you been there?

Did you move with a family or did go over single?

What do you do?

Are you working in your "learned profession" or something completely different?

What are pluses?

What are minuses?

What do you miss?

What don't you miss?

Maksim.11 Nov 2004 09:56
I do everything professionally as I did before I came to live in Eesti 5 years ago with my family. I actively contribute to Estonia's cultural and intellectual life, which is not exactly the big end of town making all the money. But fortunately I saw the light and made good on what I had, have focused all my resources on contributing as much energy and impact in influencing my working environment, and hopefully making a little dint in the overall quality of life here. Because I love the place so much, I refuse to make any direct comparisons with where I've originally come from...in the end, you either want to be here of you don't! There's no point coming to Eesti if you figure you'll start to feel homesick for things in the past....Eesti has to become all-comsuming for you or else you'll end up leaving without finishing what you set out to do in the first place. Remember...every additional Estonian here is ultimately respected for what they do here...and not for what they'll get out of it for themselves. If you want to make a million, please don't attempt to do it at Estonia's expense-you'll just kill off little self-respect Estonians have for themselves. There are a lot of skills you can apply having come from a different living and working environment in Canada. People appreciate that, if especially if you're prepared to give more than take...there's just been too much of that in recent years in Eesti. Best of luck to everyone...and remember our national slogan...Welcome to Estonia!
to Maxim12 Nov 2004 12:54
You're not the only emigrant to Estonia but, I suspect that you differ from the typical with your enthusiasm. It seems that you are on a mission of a sort and that makes for an interesting story. It would be nice if you could share it with us.
What are you doing there? Have you been well-received? Do you associate with others who have moved there? Are there any important differences in life in Tallinn, Tartu and small towns? How have your first impressions changed with time?
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