Happiness is being Estonian
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Gaabriel...28 Feb 2005 07:57
Did the conversation take place in Estonian or English? Or has that factor been sqeezed out of the equation?? Sure it's nice to know there are other people of Estonian extraction who are willing to come to your aid, but that is a quality common to most good-natured people irrespective of their racial background. If we kknew that someone is being nice to you, and making double the effort by emphasising a love of doing so by way of expressing his care in our beloved mother tongue, I think your story would no doubt touch even more hearts.
Ühtun02 Mar 2005 14:11
Tõepoolest on hea olla Globaalne Eestlane!
Ükskõik kuhu ma maailmas rändan, leian kedagi keda olen varem kohanud (üleskasvades siinses ühiskonnas, Estodel, Maailmalaagrites...), kellega võib kokku saada või kellelt võib nõu küsida.
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