Teadmiseks Kanada kodanikele CTV
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Väga05 Apr 2005 07:47
segane teade. Arvasin et ei saagi enam tagasi Kanadasse sest jättsin passi kodu. Tuleb välja et US plaanib teha piirid kindlamaks tulevikus. Järgmine on cut and paste Globe and Mailist. EE Online teade on hoopis teine mis Globe and Mail kirjutab ! Palun selgitust .

" The U.S. is expected to announce today it will require more stringent documentation for travellers entering the country.

Sources said the plan is to be phased in over several years over different ports of entry. It would apply to anyone entering the United States, including Canadians, as well as Americans returning from travels outside the country.

The Canadian passport will continue to be an acceptable travel document, but it's unclear what other Canadian documentation would still be accepted, sources said.

The U.S. State Department has scheduled a briefing today to describe the initiative, which is part of a Homeland Securities terrorism prevention act.

A State Department website news release says U.S. citizens and foreign nationals will be asked to present a passport or "other appropriate secure identity and citizenship document when entering the United States. This is a change from prior travel requirements." Canadians are presently not required to present passports when entering the United States. "
huvitav05 Apr 2005 09:08
Mida siis sellest EE teatest on teadmiseks vôtta? Kui lugeda sôna-sônalt, siis tuleb välja, et ainult Kanada passi esitamisel saab üle US-Kanada piiri. See tähendab, et US passi esitamisel saadetakse tagasi?! Kuidas on lood Briti passiga? Saksa? jne. jne.

Peaks ikka natuke môtlema ka, enne kui sellist jura välja panna.
kannataja05 Apr 2005 09:09
Kui ükskord saadetakse piirilt tagasi, eks siis loed edaspidi asju täpsemalt.
to kannataja05 Apr 2005 09:22
Mida see peab tähendama? Tule eile meile?
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