Aw, sugar
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Peter08 May 2005 15:17
Sure, the EU has built some roads in Estonia but don't forget that the Soviet Union was also responsible for rebuilding and improving much of Estonia's infastructure after the war.
To me they are both the same. Let's hope that this new empire collapres sooner rather than later so that Estonia can once again become a free and independent nation.

Anonymous10 May 2005 14:53
So the Soviet Union and the European Union are the same in your judgement. In what respect, I wonder? Is there a Gulag Archipelago in Europe? (Not since Hitler ran the place.) And in what respect is present-day Estonia less free and independent than Norway, Holland, Italy or Canada?

If you truly believe what you say then, truly, you are insane.
Peter11 May 2005 03:54
If you truly believe that Estonia can be free and independent with most of its internal and foreign policies being decided by foreigners in Belgium then it is you who is insane.

Maxim.13 May 2005 04:32
You are so full of sh.t and you don't even know it, poor mongrel! All you do is go about blasting everyone else who has an opinion and drive them into dirt. If you really believed there was a difference between Soviets and EU, you'd think out a logical and much stronger case to justify your opinion. As it stands, Peter is bloody well right in assuming the Soviets did a considerable amount to improve Estonia's post-war infrastructure. But as an example of the fact that the EU has proven to be absolutely and totally useless as an organisation defending the intrinsic matters of its constituent states, one need go no further than the currently hottest issue in Estonia today-the border treaty with Russia. Estonia needs a partner in the EU in an uncharacteristically reverse way to what Russia did merely for itself; defend our intrinsic political and cultural issues to the endth degree required! Your indirect support for the EU runs diametrically opposite to Estonia's national interests and latest opinion polls, and therefore you, like the rest of our populist bunch of political toddlers in pampers must be ready to commit treason with us at any moment. Thank God you live far away from Estonia...infecting your own country with your all-too-familiar form of Political correctness.
A le Coq14 May 2005 12:08
If in Soviet times the only realistic profit that the entire ESSR made for itself amounted to the annual intake of tourist revenue from visitors to the Viru Hotell Cabaret (!...leaving Estonia haemorraging financially), then the EU is punishing Estonia with very hefty sugar fines, and more of the same is currently waiting in the pipeline. These fines, of course, make up the bulk of our revenue from the EU, and for this reason there is a terribly similar analogy to be drawn from Peter's point of view.
Let'em have it, guys.14 May 2005 07:15
This is a circus.

I'm glad that our older generation Estonians are not witnesses to this.
unicorn17 May 2005 15:17
The authority of the EU is a worrisome because it shifts power from elected officials to a bureaucracy disposed to regulating the broad compass of life. It's not a nice thought, but let's keep it in perspective. It's more like a life under the NDP than Soviet-style communists (so far).

Peter and Maxim think that the Soviets deserve some credit because they paved some roads in Estonia. So what? They also sucked life and prosperity out of the country. More could have been accomplished had they allowed people to go about their own business, particularly by those murdered or deported. Lost opportunities for constructive work are invisible, nonetheless, they remain real as lost opportunities.

During the independence period, Estonia was relatively prosperous. During the long Soviet occupation, it was relatively poor. The brief period of re-independence has brought astounding economic development in an atmosphere of freedom and, be certain, a road paved by the Soviets has nothing to do with it.

It's a queer sight to see Peter barking for freedom. He's a self-proclaimed neo-nazi with a mission to rehabilitate Hitler. As for Maxim, it's hard to say what he thinks. He can't make himself understood.
Peter17 May 2005 16:46
I still haven't figured out it you just do not understand what I am writing here or if you just take pleasure in twisting around everything that I write. You call me a neo-nazi for exposing much of the almost unbelievable (except by you) Soviet WW II propaganda that has now been recycled to gain sympathy for Israel yet at the same time you seem to think that I am a communist sympathizer for comparing the Soviet Union to the European Union. Make up your mind!
Every empire builds roads, railroads, buildings, harbours, airports, etc in its territories not out of kindness but because they are needed to keep the empire functioning. Imperial Russia, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union all contributed to Estonia's infastructure. Those in Estonia who now praise this new empire, the EU, for building roads are no different from the supporters of past empires.

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